الجمعة، 13 مايو 2011

real estate flyers

real estate flyers. Real Estate Flyers
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  • pika2000
    Mar 26, 01:01 AM
    Sandy Bridge iMac + Lion. ;)

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  • commercial real estate flyers.

  • sampdoria
    Jun 15, 03:02 PM
    What a cluster F it was at Radio Shack.

    It was just my friend and I on line. Nobody else.

    Was there for 30 minutes before I left for work
    leaving them with my name. My friend stayed
    an additional 30 minutes.

    They could not generate a pin. System kept
    rejecting their request. Finally we were told they
    were out of pins.

    Meanwhile, I still see posts about some of you
    getting PIN numbers.

    Sorry to hear NJRonbo. I was back and forth between going to Apple and RS. But the RS salesperson last night, persuaded me to give him a try, and he would throw in a $50 gift card on top of my crappy trade-ins (good salesman), because I was going for 2 iphone4s. If it didn't work, then go to Apple.

    So I decided this morning to try my luck with him. I was the only person in the store asking for the new iphone at 1pm, in the middle of urban cambridge (boston), believe it or not. Patience was key here. He started my order right at 1pm, but got declined like 20 times. I went back to my work an hour later. And he calls me around 2:45pm to say that he has two pins for 32GB iphone4s for me! As far as he knows, they will be available on launch day. With all the uncertainties that have been said on this thread, I won't hold my breath for launch day, but I do appreciate the discounts and trade-ins. So, I say good deal in any case.

    He told me he got calls from DM's about there being still plenty of inventory an hour after the start, but because everyone was accessing the central server at once, it was jamming up. It took 2hrs and 45 mins to get my order processed.

    I'm pretty satisfied (or lucky) so far, even though the process is so f'd up. I don't think RS intentionally does it this way, but hey it is what it is, for this once in a few years.

    real estate flyers. Real Estate Flyers + Feature
  • Real Estate Flyers + Feature

  • RedTomato
    Aug 11, 08:26 PM
    I probably won't buy a phone without GPS capabilities. I will pay for the option, however.

    Why not just ring someone and ask where you are? Or wait for the guy on the seat next to you to ring his girlfriend?

    real estate flyers. sample real estate flyers.
  • sample real estate flyers.

  • hobi316
    Jun 14, 11:05 AM
    [QUOTE=NJRonbo;10129607]Radio Shack is taking preorders starting Thursday.
    Essentially, they special order the phone for you.
    That pretty much guarantees you a phone on opening day.
    All you need to do is leave a $50 deposit when ordering.

    I'm thinking you meant Tuesday there?

    But yeah, they're definitely doing the $50 downpayment thing like with the Evo. I was told to call back this afternoon to get the opening time.

    Generally seems like it will be easy to get this phone on launch day. Between Apple, RadioShack, Best Buy, and WalMart, I'm hoping everyone who wants one next Thursday will get it!

    real estate flyers. best real estate flyers. cool
  • best real estate flyers. cool

  • macfan881
    Aug 11, 12:29 AM
    Just saw on the video preview for amazon.com that this will have the Top Gears track i thought that was pretty awesome cant wait for this to finally come out. Wasn't this game a original Launch game?

    real estate flyers. sample real estate flyers.
  • sample real estate flyers.

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 07:39 PM
    Nice to meet you Jersey.

    Are the gift cards good indefinitely?

    real estate flyers. sample real estate flyers.
  • sample real estate flyers.

  • heisetax
    Jul 14, 08:24 PM
    Doh! Well, again IMHO, it is my preference to have only one optical drive built in. I could always add an external later.

    Why do the rest of us have to settle for your preference?

    I know people that have their systems running that could get by with a 5-10 GB hard drive. Does that mean that we should feel that all systems should only have a 5-10 GB hard drive, maybe a CD drive & since we all will have the same small needs a floppy drive. A DVD writer could make a complete backup in most ccases. Why would we need one of them. So why have more than one external 5 1/4" slot.

    I may only run probrams that I can download on the internet, why then even one external drive slot?

    Sounds a little far out. But what is really far out? Everybody has different needs & wants. Many Windows systems have the ability to have at least 4 internally mounted external 5 1/4" drives 2-4 or more 3.5" external drives, several internal 3.5" drives, 10-in-1 flash card reader/writers & many more things. My old Mac Clones had space for 4 5 1/4" external & 2 3 1/2" external drives, with either 2 or 4 internal 3.5" drives.

    There are people that need to run many different drives at once. They don't all want to have more external drives with all of those many, many cords than they absolutely have to. Right now I have 3 external drives hooked to my 17" PowerBook. Then there is usually a flash drive or 2 hook up to this system.

    Remember that everyone does their computing different. That means that only a certain group would be happy with what you think is all that needs to be in a system. Others will think that you have too much.

    My wife & me each have MDD PowerMac G4's for our desktop units. They both have DVD burne & CD burner drives. I miss the other slots that I have on myy Clones. I may have up to 6 internal 3.5" drives mounted. Usually a couple of SCSI drives, a couple PATA drives, & a couple SATA drives.s I still have 3-6 drives attached externally plus a NAS drive. Most external drives are FW800, with a couple FW400 drives & a 3 CF drives tower by Lexar.

    What is the correct amount of drives? To me it is whatever it takes to properly get your computer job down. So to you, it will always be, why more than 1 internal 5 1/4" drive.

    Bill the TaxMan

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  • Platform
    Sep 13, 07:25 AM
    WOW...I have one core....now 8 cores...:eek:

    real estate flyers. These Real Estate Flyer
  • These Real Estate Flyer

  • MacBoobsPro
    Nov 29, 03:14 AM
    Apple should ask for royalties for every song Universal produce! :D

    Or just drop Universal.

    real estate flyers. Create real estate flyers
  • Create real estate flyers

  • Nuck81
    Dec 10, 04:37 AM
    But, I DO love all types of cars. I just don't think they all have a place in a RACING game.

    The game doesn't have to be only 700hp exotics, that isn't what I'm saying. There have been PLENTY of wildly varied cars throughout history that would be fun to drive, on a track, in a racing game. The VW K�belwagen and Citro�n DS, for example, aren't some of them.

    It says right on the front of the box "The real DRIVING simulator" not "the real racing simulator"

    real estate flyers. Real Estate Flyers and
  • Real Estate Flyers and

  • illegalprelude
    Jul 15, 04:12 AM
    Not a chance in the near future. Blu Ray and Sony are in utter shambles right now.

    really? off what fact is this based upon or personal opinion? :rolleyes:

    real estate flyers. real estate flyers templates.
  • real estate flyers templates.

  • moochermaulucci
    Apr 8, 12:50 AM
    How does that create demand? Instead of actually getting the sale, you deny a sale and hope it "creates demand" so that they'll come back and buy it in fear? Especially considering that they could have just purchased it in the first place and avoided the whole issue. Actually selling out the product and then having no more available in stock would create demand AND generate revenue. Doing what they did would generate SOME revenue and likely cause customers to look elsewhere for iPads.

    Edit: This isn't to say that I don't recognize the concept of reaching quotas for the day and saving products for the next day's quota. That's a different argument. What I'm referring to is that this is likely not about demand but about selfishly wanting to meet quotas and turning away customers in the process. Not creating demand. It's immoral, but business/retail and morality don't always work so well together.

    Now, now, we'll have none of that common sense in these here forums.:D

    Well said, btw.

    real estate flyers. commercial real estate flyers.
  • commercial real estate flyers.

  • Multimedia
    Aug 27, 09:33 PM
    I think im gonna wait and buy in 2007 with leopard and iLife 07 :rolleyes:I don't think I will be able to wait another 8 months. Waiting for C2D was brutal enough. But I'm gonna try and hold out for a refurb C2 Mac Pro or MB or MBP.

    real estate flyers. Real Estate Signs
  • Real Estate Signs

  • wnurse
    Nov 29, 12:41 AM
    I can't wait until Steve laughs in their faces. Who the hell do these guys think they are?

    Hmm, the people that can tell apple to go screw themselves and take their music of itunes, that's who. One studio threatening to ask for a piece of ipods is not as threatening if they all do... what you gonna do, not buy music at all?.. of course you will buy music. You'll curse the studios but you'll buy music (and if not you, mom and pop will still buy music even if not available on itunes).

    Wil universal get what they want?.. Apple is not totally powerless in this potential negotiation but i doubt steve has the power to laugh in their faces. Apple does not make music, it sells it. A seller can hardly laugh in the face of the producer of goods (or the gatekeeper of those goods). Want proof?.. walmart vs apple. Apple makes ipods.. Walmart refused to deal with apple the way apple wanted.. guess who lost in that battle.. walmart of course.. they are merely a seller, apple is the gatekeeper of ipods. The same is with the music studios.. apple is a seller, music companies are the gatekeepers. They can dictate who can and can't sell their music and while every corporation is motivated by profits.. they can always take their music and go home. Sure they lose but so does apple or they can make their music exclusively available only on microsoft service. You might not buy the music but you aren't 300 miliion americans. I gurantee apple does not want to be sitting by idly watching microsoft steal a market they grew. Naw, steve is not laughing in anyone's face.

    real estate flyers. best real estate flyers. the
  • best real estate flyers. the

  • Ramrod82
    Apr 8, 01:25 AM
    Ipad2 = huge demand, people keep calling, going into best buy daily to check to see if any r in. BB maybe is hoping while your there u will buy some games, blu rays, etc. Then come back when the iPad is in stock, the higher demand, the more likely people will get down and pissed and spend money on other items to take their mind off of waiting for their iPad 2. You create a demand that's already there (key apple stores and website delays) and make the delay longer, customers will keep coming in! Look at the Wii when it first was out and people lined for one! And the whole bb quota I truly believe, the higher ups want to see the daily numbers and if they see an average of let's say they sell 20 a day plus other crap, the higher ups r happy, who knows I could be completely off, but thats just my 2 cents. Either BB has always been shady!

    real estate flyers. has real estate templates
  • has real estate templates

  • afields
    Aug 5, 06:02 PM
    iMac - No.
    iPod - No.
    MacBook - No.
    MacBook Pro - No.
    MacPro - Yes.
    Xserve - Yes.
    Displays - Yes.
    Leopard Preview - Yes.
    iPhone - Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    I agree with this. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a leopard preview and mac pro announced. Remember....It's always less than you expect. I would be absolutely *shocked* if anything iphone or ipod related is announced.

    real estate flyers. Turnkey Real Estate Flyers
  • Turnkey Real Estate Flyers

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 16, 12:09 AM
    Dude I'm going to sell my dell.
    And buy a new Dell with these same chips and features ;)

    real estate flyers. Estate+agency+flyers
  • Estate+agency+flyers

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 06:58 PM
    Why on earth would Radio Shack ask anyone
    to stand on line tomorrow to get a PIN just
    to stand on line again opening day to get a phone
    for which you are not guaranteed for?

    What kind of crap is that?

    The problem is, each store has a different
    opinion on the reservation policy.

    I think I am going to order directly from Apple.

    Problem is, I have a $247 credit from Radio
    Shack and I don't even shop at their stores

    real estate flyers. Real Estate Flyers
  • Real Estate Flyers

  • blahblah100
    Mar 31, 05:03 PM
    Ah linux trolls are my favorite :rolleyes: I lost count how many times I've answered a question and/or posted on something to have the random linux guy show up and spout "Or just toss out your mac/pc and install linux on a new machine". Of course no one asked about linux.


    Feb 28, 12:54 PM
    A same-sex attracted person is living a "gay lifestyle" when he or she dates people of the same sex, "marries" people of the same sex, has same-sex sex, or does any combination of these things. I think that if same-sex attracted people are going to live together, they need to do that as though they were siblings, not as sex partners. In my opinion, they should have purely platonic, nonsexual relationships with one another.

    Why do you care what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home?

    Nov 28, 06:18 PM
    I think they'll be a long way off getting money from every iPod sold. For a start its such an illogical thing to ask for (Did the music companies ask for money for every CD player or Tape Recorder sold? Nope), plus I suspect the main reason that Microsoft agreed to pay money in the first place is that they needed to get the music labels on board to boost the Zune Music Store, Microsoft was in the weaker position here and I believe the labels exploited that weakness.

    If the labels were to go to Apple and demand a royalty on every iPod and threatening to pull their catalogue if they didn't get it, they would actually come off worse than Apple in terms of lost revenue and it's because of this I reckon they haven't a chance...

    Sep 19, 02:40 AM
    So, the shipping says 5-7 days for all the MacBooks, and 24 hours for the MBP. I think that means the MacBooks are getting refreshed next week. Either that, or the MacBooks are selling like crazy so its hard for Apple to keep up with demand. But the MBP have been out longer, and need a refresh. Just change them all Apple, and put the current models on sale. I'd love to get a white MB for around $900!

    Apr 5, 06:55 PM
    I hope that the new Final Cut Studio package updates DVDSP to allow for authoring blu-rays.

    Nov 12, 05:38 PM
    I'm disappointed the Bugatti Veyron is standard only

    Doesnt bother me one bit, i dont like them much. Their handling always seems a bit.... "off" but i can't put my finger on it.
    I probably wont even buy one, so i dont care about much of anything regarding the Bugatti.

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