السبت، 14 مايو 2011

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  • rovex
    Mar 22, 02:59 PM
    As has been pointed out already, "maths" is a perfectly acceptable word. Travel is an education unto itself; one which would have taught you this fact. Clearly, you're not sufficiently successful to engage in this activity.

    I'm not american, perhaps you should be utilising the 'proper' English that was invented here.

    And you're last sentence makes you look rather condescending and quite frankly a bit of a pretentious moron.

    And I'm sorry to say, I've never been to the states, but of course you make an unfounded and ignorant assertion that I have never travelled. Really, you're not doing yourself much good with that mentality you have.

    Glad that you're just showcasing your pitiful character to the rest of us.

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  • aegisdesign
    Sep 13, 11:55 AM
    Lets not forget things like Spotlight that can now run more rigorously without affecting CPU resource much. You will get more intelligent software that can prepare for what you want to do so that when you go to do it it will be much more responsive. In other words just because some tasks cannot be easily broken up to leverage multiple cores doesn't mean that tasks such as those cannot be speculative run by software on idle cores in preparation for you doing the task.

    Yes, that's definitely true. And I'd be happy to divert a whole core just to frickin WindowServer. :D

    real estate agent ads. funny real estate ads.
  • funny real estate ads.

  • intlplby
    Nov 28, 09:53 PM
    i would love if the government changed the royalty law to extend only to the artists and not the record companies.....

    i.e. "okay, we'll extend the copyright to 50 years or the life of the artist, but the catch is that only the artists gets the royalties"

    i'd love to see the big record companies cut out.....

    it's totally possible for artists to get more and for us to pay less.....

    i'd include the mastering technician in there too.... they are very important as well

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  • Real Estate Sales Agent

  • archer75
    Apr 5, 04:56 PM
    I'm hoping for new imacs too. And mini's. I just got a promotion at work and approval from the wife to pretty much buy whatever mac I want. Except for the high end mac pro.

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  • Pictures of REAL ESTATE AGENT

  • claus1225
    Mar 31, 05:48 PM
    I used to have a friend who would spend days tweaking the LINUX OS code so that his browser would look super duper cool.

    How many people like that do you know?

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  • Creative real estate agents

  • idunn
    Apr 6, 07:10 PM
    'With the release of Sandy Bridge, Intel upgraded the performance of their integrated graphics chipset. This was good enough for Apple to offer in their latest 13" MacBook Pros, so we expect it will be good enough for the upcoming MacBook Airs as well.'
    - per 'Macrumors'

    ;) Apple could impress the hell out of me by not only upping the CPU horsepower of the new MacBook Air line, but in not downgrading graphic performance, such as the 13" MBP suffered. What is it about the term 'good enough' that sticks in my craw when describing an Apple product, which is supposedly a superior product, and certainly is in price?

    While at it, by way of actual 'improvements,' how about the option of the MBA in black?

    real estate agent ads. Canadian Real Estate Agent Ad
  • Canadian Real Estate Agent Ad

  • ducttape
    Nov 28, 08:55 PM
    So stupid. Not even the Zune players should have to deal with royalties. iTunes is where a lot of people get legal music. Like Universal's. So why should Universal make Apple pay them for a product Apple sells that helps Universal's business anyway? We could go into the debate about illegal Universal music on iPods, but Apple (nor any other company) should be held responsible for how customers 'abuse' their products. That's the customers' problem.

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  • allow Real Estate Agencies

  • mmmcheese
    Sep 13, 01:02 PM
    Anyone seen this?


    The real architecture changes are coming June then June then June 2012. With derivatives in the years between.

    So Merom(Merom Santa Rosa)/Conroe/Woodcrest(Clovertown) are the end of the road of separate chips. No more mobile/desktop/sever chip... all are the same (should expect mobiles to have the lowest MHz, then desktop, then toping out with server)

    And what's interesting is that each architecture change will be a leap in performance similar to Pentium D to Conroe transition. (source) (http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=2649)

    Screw Tigerton, Penryn's next (probably June 2007)

    Screw that, I'm not going to buy until Gesher!

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  • kingtj
    Sep 13, 12:33 PM
    He's totally mistaken! The Cloverton CPUs will *all* be 64-bits, as Woodcrest (found in current Mac Pros) is. Intel is not going to ever go back to a 32-bit Xeon class CPU.

    The difference between Woodcrest and "Tigerton" is that Woodcrest CPUs achieve their "dual core" status by basically placing two complete Xeon CPUs under one outer casing, and making them communicate with each other through the front-side bus on the motherboard.

    Cloverton will be the same way, but with 4 cores packed into one casing, instead of just two.

    "Tigerton" will finally allow both cores to interconnect with each other through an internal interface built into the CPU, instead of slowing communications down by routing it off one CPU core, through the motherboard's front-side bus, and back onto the other core.

    This was his response:

    "Cloverton is not 64, Cloverton MP (Tigerton) is 64 and is still on the drawing board last I heard.

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  • mwswami
    Jul 21, 02:04 PM
    There may be unknown variables supporting 8 cores from 4 such that I would not want to take that path. I would rather have 8 cores on a new motherboard with faster ram etc supported to get the most out of all of them at newer faster speeds.

    Intel's Bensley platform was designed for Dempsey, Woodcrest, and Clovertown families of Xeon processors. So the system components like mobo and memory will remain the same. Any changes will be incremental.

    Of course things like Blue Ray and 802.11n may not be offered in the next release but only in Rev 2. Or, they will be cheaper.

    I know you already have a quad-core PowerMac so it makes sense for you to wait .... unless SJ is able to tempt you come WWDC with promise of 2x performance etc. ... :D :D

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  • Photos. Television ad

  • jsw
    Aug 26, 06:51 PM
    Note: I believe I accidentally merged someone's (possibly a couple of people's) posts into BWhaler's post (3 above this post). Sorry. :o

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  • Bye Bye Baby
    Jul 21, 03:33 AM
    With all these new technologies with 4, 8 and eventually 24-core capacities (some time in the not too distant future) all running at 64-bit, we musn't forget that software also has tobe developed for these machienes in order to get the most out of the hardware. At the moment we aren't even maximising core-duo, let alone a quad core and all the rest!!!!

    Besides, for 90% of what non-pro users do, these advances will help very little. Internet will still run at the same spead and my ipod will still chug along with USB2 etc.

    Pros with pro apps acn rejoice, only if software keeps the pace!!!

    Let's hope so!!!

    real estate agent ads. DCmud - The Urban Real Estate
  • DCmud - The Urban Real Estate

  • asphalt-proof
    Aug 11, 02:38 PM
    If Apple pick a carrier, I hope is not Cingular. But from past situations, that's very likely.
    The ideal is a carrier free phone. That way the iphone can reach many more people and make it possible to upgrade phones without asking people to terminate their contracts.

    I agree that a carrier free ohone is the way to go but a carrier-subsudized phone is cheaper for the consumer (or at least appears that way in the beginning). I think there maybe networ issues as well. Doesn't Verizon or Nextel operate on a different freq than Cingular/AtT? Not sure.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 27, 12:53 AM
    PowerBook G5 next tuesday?

    Now that has been replaced with Core 2 Dup next Monday ;)

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  • real estate agent

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 19, 02:46 PM
    Are you talking about the Newton, troll?


    I had a Casio Personal Diary in the late 80's that had the exact same grid.

    Im not a troll either without Apple I wouldn't have a job.

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  • ads or the real estate

  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 10, 09:28 PM
    Well, yeah, it will probably make more people happy, but it will be fun to see all the people bitching and moaning around here.
    If I think the new FCP sucks I'll be b*tching and moaning too. ;)

    Okay, okay, so they have done NAB (they've never done AES, though, that I'm certain). But still: They pulled out of everything in the last couple years. Why come back to NAB? Why not just do a small-scale announcement outside of NAB's timeframe so as to maximize press?

    Apple was at the SuperMeet last year but it was totally forgettable. Adobe and Avid blew them out of the water. Why not do it at NAB when the entire industry is focused on what's happening there? All the industry press is at NAB and a ton of your target demo, especially the people that can best 'evangelize' your product, is there as well.

    Was the supermeet focused on something else at one point? Because otherwise that sounds a little hard to believe that a usergroup would exist for a product that wasn't out yet...
    Not to mention it's the 10th anniversary of the Supermeet and FCP debuted in '99.


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  • usptact
    Apr 11, 02:12 AM
    Get me right but i get negative impression about Apple reading this : "Canon was told last night that Apple has demanded ALL “lecturn” or stage time exclusively."

    It is ok to be ambitious but not imperialistic and mean!

    real estate agent ads. Real Estate Agent amp; Realtor
  • Real Estate Agent amp; Realtor

  • 59031
    Aug 7, 06:50 PM
    Is Leopard going to take advantage of the 64 bit Dual G5?

    Yes, absolutely:

    Enhanced 64-bit Support
    Leopard delivers 64-bit power in one, universal OS. Now Cocoa and Carbon application frameworks, as well as graphics, scripting, and the rest of the system are all 64-bit. Leopard delivers 64-bit power to both Intel- and PowerPC-based Macs, so you don’t have to install separate applications for different machines. There’s only one version of Mac OS X, so you don’t need to maintain separate operating systems for different uses.

    Bridge the Generation Gap
    Now that the entire operating system is 64-bit, you can take full advantage of the Xeon chip in Mac Pro and Xserve. You get more processing power at up to 3.0GHz, without limiting your programs to command-line applications, servers, and computation engines. From G3 to Xeon, from MacBook to Xserve, there is just one Leopard.

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  • tmofee
    Mar 25, 10:44 PM
    i wonder if apple will release a version in the app store???

    Apr 25, 04:20 PM
    This is so incredibly stupid, it's mind-numbing.

    Edit> I deleted the rest of my post. I see no reason to comment further.

    Apr 11, 04:51 PM
    Where are all these bs claims coming from? Why wouldn't Apple release it in June as always?

    I believe there are several factors at work causing this most likely time frame.

    1) The effects of Japans disaster on parts supply.
    2) Internal issues at Apple regarding more than one model being undecided.
    3) Final touches being added to iOS5

    Frankly I'd rather have a delay if it meant that Apple's going to make this one their best, most well debugged iPhone to date.

    Their is no substitute for excellent final checks through quality control.

    Apr 27, 08:04 AM
    I'm glad they're fixing this "bug"

    But their response is utter crap. They know it - and now everyone knows it.

    As reports came out over a year ago about this - it's only after this tremendous bad press that they "found" it. Mhhhmmmm sure.

    Apr 19, 03:58 PM
    So True...

    Poor lost souls rely on Steve to think for them, bring them courage, and guide them in worship.

    Anyone who fails to fall in line, is immediately a threat to them.

    It's this weakness is laughable.

    I don't know what's worse:
    1) Poor lost Stevie souls who "fall into line" with everything Apple does; or,
    2) Poor lost anti-Stevie souls who "fail to see any good" that Apple does

    This is a debate about a topic which few of us are technically qualified to argue. That being said, ad hominem attacks should have no place here regardless of the bucket that one might fall into (1), (2) or other. So I respectfully ask you to knock it off. Thanks.

    Aug 18, 07:38 PM
    My 3.0's shipping date just changed - for no obvious reason - from 8/20 to 9/19. One month. Clearly, something just got snagged in the supply chain.

    Anyone else have this?

    okay, it seems to be a RAM bottleneck. I had ordered a couple of 2 gig chips from apple cause I didn't mind paying the penalty now in order not to have to sell 1 gig'ers later on.

    anyway, I'm on the phone now, getting standard RAM configuration, then I'm just going to to with OtherWorld's RAM.

    I wish Apple had gotten their RAM supplies in order before they started shipping. Well, what can you do.

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