الأربعاء، 11 مايو 2011

miranda lambert hot pictures

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  • cozmot
    Mar 26, 09:20 AM
    Wait until the first revision comes up! as always, the desperates install the new OS that come full of bugs and then complains starts "I lost all my data".

    Just my 2cents.

    Not to mention that this sort of upgrades just make you buying a new machine to run the system as it should.

    Words of wisdom. Until Lion has been used widely, I'll sit it out for the first or second update.

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  • Xenious
    Jul 14, 05:27 PM
    Dual drive slots are cool, but the design is boring. Don't get me wrong I love my G5 powermac I was just hoping for a new or different design for the next ones...Maybe the same but square or smaller or something. Oh well it doesn't matter I'm still buying. :)

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  • YEMandy
    Aug 26, 06:37 PM
    Could this mean an iMac update is coming soon as well? I ordered a loaded iMac two weeks ago and it still hasn't shipped yet. The estimated ship date is Aug. 28th with arrival on the 5th...

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  • dclocke
    Sep 19, 10:06 AM
    ...that and a Airplane/Auto Magsafe power adapter. dont you think that would be nice. it's been to long without it! cmon apple. build it!

    On a (somewhat) unrelated subject... I must be flying on the wrong airlines, because I only think I've been on a plane with any kind of power outlet (AC or DC) once, and that was on one of the larger (trans-oceanic?) planes. Which sucks, because my current laptop usually doesn't have enough battery power to even last through a 2 hour flight...

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  • MatthewCobb
    Aug 27, 04:28 PM
    That is interesting because I ordered a Macbook on Tuesday (the 22nd) and mine is also scheduled to ship on the 31st. It is suspiciously strange and hopefully it means that we'll get Meroms because I was waiting for the Merom MBP when I decided to just order a Yonah MB.

    I ordered a MB on 15 August from my work. Apple registered the order on 23 August (it was faxed on the 16th!)... It will be delivered on 1 September. I phoned up to find out what was going on and complained it was taking forever. Maybe I should have said thankyou!

    On the other hand, I have heard that Apple want to emphasise the difference of the MBP (why buy one unless you're doing 3-D gaming or heavy-duty video editing or just like aluminium...?). So maybe they'll just put the Merom in the MBP...

    PS I thought the PB G5 next Tuesday thing was quite funny - precisely because it has been done to death, first dead straight (remember how excited people got for so many years), and now because it's a useful reminder not to take our speculations too seriously...

    PPS I have skanky keyboard marks all over my squidgy PBG4 screen, always have had. Grrr.

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  • Moyank24
    Feb 28, 04:43 PM
    If I had a girlfriend, I would hope I would love her enough to protect her from the physical and psychological risks that come with non-marital sex. The best way for me to do that is for my hypothetical girlfriend and me to be celibate before marriage.

    Sacramentally same-sex "marriage" isn't marriage. Neither is merely civil marriage of any sort. If I understand what the Catholic Church's teachings about marriage merely civil, it teaches non-sacramental marriage, whether same-sex or opposite-sex, is legal fornication.

    A) Maybe your feelings on the situation would be different if you actually had a girlfriend.

    B) I'm interested to learn what exactly the physical and psychological risks of non-marital sex are?

    Excellent post.

    Yes, sex in merely civil marriage is fornication

    You're kidding. Right?

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  • rezenclowd3
    Dec 7, 02:53 PM
    So another patch for today adding mechanical damage. Must have the newest firmware...

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  • edgcrshr
    Apr 8, 12:22 AM
    I am still waiting on my black 16gb wifi, I preordered it Sunday after launch and am still waiting for Best Buy to call me. I guess I am going to have to call them and see what is going on. I have not been looking elsewhere since I wanted to get it from them and use gift cards, looks like that may not be happening anymore.

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  • Cruzer442
    Apr 11, 11:52 AM
    My 3Gs contract ends in June and Apple will be pushing it's luck for me to go half a year without me being tempted to jump platforms instead of waiting for the iPhone 5.
    I'm in this boat to. I'm noticing my battery life is deteriorating also - never owned an iPhone this long. Also my GF has Verison Droid that just kicks my ass; better reception, faster, cool apps -e.g. voice to SMS. I can wait until July but late fall? IDK.

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  • Yamcha
    Mar 26, 04:00 PM
    I'm looking forward to it, but what would be really amazing if on the next major release of Mac OS they add support for running .EXE files. I know there are third party applications out there to do that, but If it could be legally done and done properly where we don't see any major performance hits then it would truly be the end of using Windows for me, and I'm sure for most others..

    I think that would be awesome.. But I know probably unlikely..

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  • shamino
    Jul 22, 12:18 PM
    So I read in this thread that Kentsfield and Clovertown ARE compatible with Conroe and Woodcrest sockets (respectively) (Cloverton or Clovertown?)
    Well, people here have mentioned it. I haven't seen any sources for these claims, however.

    It's worth noting that the Pentium 4 shipped in several different socket packages over the years. The fact that the cores might be electrically compatible does not necessarily mean you're going to be able to perform a chip-swap upgrade on your Mac!
    Hope for upgrading an iMac to Quad Core is kindled! At least if Apple releases Conroe iMacs.
    And assuming they don't solder the chip to the motherboard, or hardwire the clock-multiplier chips, or hard-wire the voltage regulator settings, etc.

    There are a lot of things that can be done to a motherboard to make these kinds of upgrades painful or even impossible.

    With any kind of rumor like this, "I'll believe it when I see it" should be your mantra. Sure, these kinds of upgrades would be great, and it may even be possible to perform them on generic PC motherbaords, but this doesn't necessarily mean it will be easy or even possible on the systems Apple ends up shipping.
    BTW, In my opinion, one thing a person should never, ever say is some computer has too much power, and that it will never be needed.
    "Never" is always too strong a word. But there are plenty of good reasons to say "useless for today's applications" or "not worth the cost".

    When applications start demanding more, and when costs come down, then the equations change. As they always do.
    When we will be able to download our entire lives, and even conciousness into a computer, as is said to happen in about 40 years (very much looking forward to)...
    You're looking forward to this? Let's hope for your sake that Microsoft has nothing to do with the system software.

    I don't think it will be possible, even in 40 years, despite what sci-fi authors are predicting. And there's no way I'd ever have such a system installed even if it would be come possible. The possibility of dying or becoming comatose, or even worse, as a result of a software glitch is something I'm not going to allow. To quote McCoy from Star Trek: "Let's see how it scrambles your molecules first."
    So as a conclusion to my most recent rant, Please, never tell me a computer is too powerfu, has too many cores, or has too much storage capacity. If it is there to be used, it will be used. It always is.
    But do you want to be the first person to have to pay for it?

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  • JM-Prod
    Apr 10, 08:17 AM
    Faster horses.

    Hmm, you want a faster horse or did you think my comments were screaming for them?

    If my expectation are met, it would be a revolution in editing.

    The second since introducing digital non-linear editing in the late 80's.

    Not faster horses.

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  • glassbathroom
    Jul 28, 03:21 AM
    Ok, here goes. (Quick pass)
    Eeek. Not so sure I like that.

    Hmmm... maybe with just one slot?

    A little better. I personally prefer the taller narrower one, though.

    Big is the new small.

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  • wiestlingjr
    Jun 9, 07:23 PM

    I have a couple questions.. I want to preorder with radioshack. I am NOT the primary account holder, but I am an authorized user. I also know the last 4 digits of the account holders social. Will this be a problem when picking up the phone?

    I also have a FAN account. Will these be a problem?

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  • mashinhead
    Aug 18, 09:17 AM
    If one were to buy a mac pro now, is the processor upgradeable to Clovertown in the future, or is that not really worth it even if it is, because you would need a faster FSB, meaning a new logic board, to take advantage of its power?

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  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Mar 25, 11:57 PM
    Each time they use a MBA as a picture I hope it's the announcement of Sandy Bridge :o

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  • zoran
    Oct 14, 02:50 PM
    well its said that clovertown will be here early is that early/late november or early/late december, any new rumors regarding this subject?

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  • j26
    Nov 29, 06:23 AM
    Apple has sold what, 70m (ish) iPods since launch. What's it running at now about 10 a year? That's about $10m in revenue Universal could get a year.

    If they walk they are losing a share in over 1bn songs translating to a whatever share they can get (say 10%), which would translate to $65m in revenue (2/3 of 10% of 1bn)**

    Universal would be killing the golden goose if they were to try to force Apples hand, and Apple said "feck off then and take yer shite music with ye"

    Apple on the other hand only stand to lose maybe $4-5m.

    ** the assumptions may be way off, but it's illustrative anyway. Feel free to correct the numbers

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  • Half Glass
    Sep 13, 01:15 PM
    No software such as, Cinema 4D, Motion, Aperture, Final Cut Pro etc

    I don't know about this statement.

    From my usage of FCP, Compressor, Aperture and DVDSP, they work very well with the MacPro but I haven't seen them approach usage of even 3 full cores.

    Ability to multistask is great but I would not say that any one of the above is using all cores the way we want them to. I would contend that this is coming and pointed out in another thread that some of the FCP benchmarks on Apple's MacPro performance page are footnoted that the figures given were using Beta version of FCP.


    Apr 6, 03:07 PM
    Not bad for a $800 dollar device, available for one carrier. I wonder what the numbers will look like after the late march wifi-only.

    At least 100k people know what its like to have a really FUNCTIONAL Tablet.

    please tell me! what defines a functional tablet

    Jul 27, 02:55 PM
    Pretty cool, but it needs a real name, MAC won't cut it. Maybe Mac Express?

    And it wouldn't have FW800 or a second optical slot. Probably a second HD slot instead. And I'd guess it would be more of a pizza box enclosure, but that's wild speculation. Your price is probably way too low, too.

    I'm not sure why you're saying this price is way too low. The specs, so far as I can see, are quite similar to the current bottom-end iMac, which has an integrated screen, and it's price is only $300 more. It seems to me that this price is actually about right.

    Also, I think that the name 'Mac' is a distinct possibility. Not saying I like it (or that I don't), or that it isn't simplistic, but I think that it's not unreasonable. FWIW, 'Mac Express' is nice, too, but I don't see Apple jumping on a name like that as quickly.

    Aug 11, 04:30 PM
    These iPhone rumours continue to persist. I admit to being a sceptic, but maybe I'm wrong! I just hope that if they do do it, they do it well.

    How dare you. Since when does apple release a product that is not up to par or even above. Of course they will do it good, it is apple. It is going to be amazing i can just feel it!


    Aug 27, 10:32 PM
    I like them as well, but I think it's been replaced with Merom next tuesday, G6 Video iPod next next tuesday and the good old iPhone next tuesday rumors.

    Still good for a laugh ;)

    Hahaha, "iPhone" is a one-word punchline

    Apr 25, 02:38 PM
    Thinking it's only stored on the device and not used by Apple is naive. What's the point of logging your every location if it's not going to be used in some way.

    I'm going to assume if you wipe your phone, your location data isn't lost... it will still be in Apple's possession. What else is iOS storing and sending to Apple that we don't know about? Slippery slope if you ask me.

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