الجمعة، 13 مايو 2011

map of boston marathon route

map of boston marathon route. oston marathon 2011 route map
  • oston marathon 2011 route map

  • GregAndonian
    Apr 10, 08:52 PM
    In fact the very first version of FCP was announced at Supermeet.

    Was the supermeet focused on something else at one point? Because otherwise that sounds a little hard to believe that a usergroup would exist for a product that wasn't out yet...

    "Hey Bill, we should go to the Final Cut Pro Supermeet this year. I hear they're going to talk about a new editing program called Final Cut Pro- sounds pretty neat."

    map of boston marathon route. Click for the live map.
  • Click for the live map.

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 20, 10:51 AM
    Depends on which model. The AT&T/Rogers Galaxy S Captivate hardly ressembles the iPhone :


    I'm also hard-pressed to see how the Nexus S comes even close :


    Let's not even go there with the Epic 4G :


    Yet they are all included in the complaint...

    Of course. Apple invented the phone, the computer, the GUI, the mouse, etc etc etc. :rolleyes:

    map of boston marathon route. oston marathon course 2011.
  • oston marathon course 2011.

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Aug 11, 07:14 AM
    The only official date given to the game is Nov 2, but there were vague dates before then. They showed it at E3 '06, but it wasnt supposed to be a launch title.

    map of boston marathon route. oston marathon course map
  • oston marathon course map

  • boncellis
    Jul 20, 09:06 AM
    I wonder just how Apple would react to news that the next processor update is ahead of schedule. Presumably their plans are carefully laid out, and if a PC competitor can jump on Intel updates faster than they can without having to conform to a similar timeline, then Apple might get burned, if only slightly.

    That's one aspect of the transition that I've always wondered about. Apple has often marketed new "products" more than "updates" in the past, but with Intel's speed of development, perhaps Apple will now focus more on updates and minimize redesigning/new releases. I don't think it's bad, just something of a departure from what I've grown accustomed to.

    map of boston marathon route. oston marathon course map.
  • oston marathon course map.

  • Chakotay
    Apr 6, 02:17 PM
    I guess it wouldn't hurt their future sales to announce international release dates. Several people I know have ordered or bought an iPad 2 simply because it is available (even with order backlogs) compared to Honeycomb tablets.
    Here in continental Europe, all I saw so far was an announcement for the second quarter, which can slip to whenever...
    Those of you who already got it - is it worth the wait?

    map of boston marathon route. The LADOT#39;s Marathon Street
  • The LADOT#39;s Marathon Street

  • fivepoint
    Apr 27, 04:19 PM
    It'd be fascinating to see how much people cared about 'layers' if the documents in question related to Bush's National Guard deployment or something similar. ;) Haha, no bias here boys!

    The difference between me and you is that I'd want an explanation in either account. ;)

    map of boston marathon route. oston marathon course map
  • oston marathon course map

  • Hellhammer
    Apr 6, 12:32 PM
    I think most ppl here do not seem to realize the number 1 problem of MBA: overheating. I am the proud owner of a Rev. C MBA, which I would not exchange for anything else (especially the new models). The only problem I can complain abt is frequent overheating, which makes apps and the OS slow down consistently or (very rarely) even freeze.

    I believe that the processor downgrading, as well as the elimination of backlit keys, are mostly in order to avoid such problem (as well as improve battery life). Otherwise, they would not make sense.

    MBA is not MB Pro. If u want less weight/space, u must be willing to compromise.

    Rev D. has no overheating issues. My CPU doesn't go over 70�C when watching 1080p Flash video in fullscreen. The fan sometimes kicks in but it's still very comfortable to use on your lap, since it's barely even warm. Older MBAs suffered from overheating, that is true.

    map of boston marathon route. Course / Route Map
  • Course / Route Map

  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 03:36 PM
    You know as well as I do that has to do with the signal, not whether it is Code division or time division. If you claim differently, show me reputable references.

    Uh, actually tower handoff has relatively little to do with signal... it's two totally different things.

    Want a reference? Is the IEEE reputable enough for you?

    Page 6: Why CDMA? Allows soft handoffs.

    Enuff said.

    Care to back up any of your assumptions with reputable references?

    map of boston marathon route. oston marathon route 2011.
  • oston marathon route 2011.

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 27, 12:51 PM
    How about a new Mac at WWDC?

    The Mac name will never work! It's just too generic. And Apple must be suicidal if they keep a Core Solo in the Mini. The Core Solo will NOT be price dropped and offers very poor value for money compared to a low-end Merom or mid-range Yonah (after price drop).

    map of boston marathon route. official Boston Marathon
  • official Boston Marathon

  • simie
    Aug 17, 05:22 AM
    I think that these tests are poor regardless of the results. Testing is all based on evidence and I see none, just what they say are the results.

    When you run a test you normally document the process for the test conditions. You don't just say Photoshop CS2 - MP aware actions, but which ones - why didn't they use the Photoshop test.

    "For FCP 5, we rendered a 20 second HD clip we had imported and dropped into a sequence."

    Does this mean they imported a 20 second clip into a sequence and had to render the clip before it would play with the rest of the sequence.

    They basically used the render tools in the sequence menu. Why measure something like that.

    map of boston marathon route. oston marathon map pdf
  • oston marathon map pdf

  • DakotaGuy
    Aug 11, 02:51 PM
    In terms of the global mobile market, it is.

    The network coverage in America is just awful too. Until I moved to England, I thought that mobile communications were generally problematic. Now I realize that American cellular service just sucks. Even in NYC.

    See now that is something I never understood, how the cell service can be so poor in a place like NYC, yet I was making calls on my CDMA phone in the middle of Wyoming this summer. In fact, there are few places in very unpopulated midwest and west that you can't get a decent signal at least with a CDMA phone. People that come here with GSM are out of luck anywhere except metro areas.

    map of boston marathon route. Boston Marathon
  • Boston Marathon

  • jonharris200
    Aug 5, 04:53 PM
    I think that that we'll have to wait for Paris for the iMac update and new iPods.
    France would be a stunning choice of location for the launch of something that's iTunes related! I'm sure that that irony hasn't escaped Jobs & Co in their product scheduling. ;)

    map of boston marathon route. oston marathon route map 2011
  • oston marathon route map 2011

  • janstett
    Oct 23, 11:44 AM
    Unfortunately not many multithreaded apps - yet. For a long time most of the multi-threaded apps were just a select few pro level things. 3D/Visualization software, CAD, database systems, etc.. Those of us who had multiprocessor systems bought them because we had a specific software in mind or group of software applications that could take advantage of multiple processors. As current CPU manufacturing processes started hitting a wall right around the 3GHz mark, chip makers started to transition to multiple CPU cores to boost power - makes sense. Software developers have been lazy for years, just riding the wave of ever-increasing MHz. Now the multi-core CPUs are here and the software is behind as many applications need to have serious re-writes done in order to take advantage of multiple processors. Intel tried to get a jump on this with their HT (Hyper Threading) implementation that essentially simulated dual-cores on a CPU by way of two virtual CPUs. Software developers didn't exactly jump on this and warm up to it. But I also don't think the software industry truly believed that CPUs would go multi-core on a mass scale so fast... Intel and AMD both said they would, don't know why the software industry doubted. Intel and AMD are uncommonly good about telling the truth about upcoming products. Both will be shipping quad-core CPU offerings by year's end.

    What you're saying isn't entirely true and may give some people the wrong idea.

    First, a multicore system is helpful when running multiple CPU-intensive single-threaded applications on a proper multitasking operating system. For example, right now I'm ripping CDs on iTunes. One processor gets used a lot and the other three are idle. I could be using this CPU power for another app.

    The reality is that to take advantage of multiple cores, you had to take advantage of threads. Now, I was doing this in my programs with OS/2 back in 1992. I've been writing multithreaded apps my entire career. But writing a threaded application requires thought and work, so naturally many programmers are lazy and avoid threads. Plus it is harder to debug and synchronize a multithreaded application. Windows and Linux people have been doing this since the stone age, and Windows/Linux have had usable multiprocessor systems for more than a decade (it didn't start with Hyperthreading). I had a dual-processor 486 running NT 3.5 circa 1995. It's just been more of an optional "cool trick" to write threaded applications that the timid programmer avoids. Also it's worth noting that it's possible to go overboard with excessive threading and that leads to problems (context switching, thrashing, synchronization, etc).

    Now, on the Mac side, OS 9 and below couldn't properly support SMP and it required a hacked version of the OS and a special version of the application. So the history of the Mac world has been, until recently with OSX, to avoid threading and multiprocessing unless specially called for and then at great pain to do so.

    So it goes back to getting developers to write threaded applications. Now that we're getting to 4 and 8 core systems, it also presents a problem.

    The classic reason to create a thread is to prevent the GUI from locking up while processing. Let's say I write a GUI program that has a calculation that takes 20 seconds. If I do it the lazy way, the GUI will lock up for 20 seconds because it can't process window messages during that time. If I write a thread, the calculation can take place there and leave the GUI thread able to process messages and keep the application alive, and then signal the other thread when it's done.

    But now with more than 4 or 8 cores, the problem is how do you break up the work? 9 women can't have a baby in a month. So if your process is still serialized, you still have to wait with 1 processor doing all the work and the others sitting idle. For example, if you encode a video, it is a very serialized process. I hear some work has been done to simultaneously encode macroblocks in parallel, but getting 8 processors to chew on a single video is an interesting problem.

    map of boston marathon route. Boston marathon map course
  • Boston marathon map course

  • takao
    Dec 3, 05:28 PM
    I've started rally a bit today while i save up for a car with a bit more balls. Rally is completely sublime. I am loving every second of it. I had no problem with the dirt and snow tracks, but the tarmac rally is giving me some trouble. I use an 06 Focus ST that is around 215hp, so i can bump up the HP and still compete in the series. I might just have to do that.

    same here .. on tarmac level there always seems to be 1 car in the bunch who will cause me troubles with being really fast

    map of boston marathon route. 2011 oston marathon route.
  • 2011 oston marathon route.

  • wschutz
    Mar 26, 08:52 AM
    People may not realize that Mac OS X Server will be INCLUDED with the client version of OS X Lion. This in itself was a several hundred dollar product. Not only does it make running your own server even easier for non-techies it simplifies the OS X product version choices from 2 down to 1. And licensing for that broken up into single or family pack.

    How many different versions of Windows does MS sell? :p I can't even figure out the number of versions of Windows MS makes, it is at least a couple dozen while Apple provides the same equivalent functionality in only 2 (single/family pack). The overhead in managing all those different versions is mind-bongling.

    And? Would like the idea of only being allowed to buy a mansion when you just need a flat?

    Actually, Microsoft just does the same that Apple does, but at least Microsoft tells you... Apple sells a couple of feature every two years... Microsoft tells you... if you want three features... pay this... if you want five features... pay that...

    Sorry, merging the server is not an advantage neither it is offering just one or two versions of the product (and if you think further... it is only an advantage for the manufacturer because maintenance of these products is dramatically decreased... or why do you think Apple doesn't want to allow its OS to be installed everywhere... because it would become just another Windows... excluding the profitable idea of selling it for your own products of course)

    map of boston marathon route. oston marathon map
  • oston marathon map

  • MadeTheSwitch
    Apr 27, 01:18 PM
    Most people here already know that I'm against the stimulus and against "gay" rights.

    My first question about a potential presidential candidate is, How morally virtuous is he? For me to vote for a candidate, he needs to be conservative fiscally and socially, especially socially.

    It's neither moral nor virtuous to be against the rights of your fellow citizens. Just sayin'

    One has to wonder why conservatives get so wrapped up in social issues when there are so many other things on the plate. Things like abortion and gays will never go away. It's just as stupid to obsess over them as it is to obsess over Obama's birth certificate. Let's fix the economy and put people back to work. Those are the real problems. Anything else is a distraction.

    map of boston marathon route. oston marathon 2011 route
  • oston marathon 2011 route

  • Unspeaked
    Sep 19, 12:23 PM
    Haha... no.

    History has shown that having a product out sooner... doesn't mean you win the market. (Sega Dreamcast?) Sony will still kick due to the deluge of developers producing for the PS3. More software == more sales. In addition, the PS3 is completely backwards compatible (which is huge).

    Nintendo will live as long as the 8 bit gen kids still are around. The Wii also promises me to play any old Nintendo game via some sort of download... It's cheap... Sign me up.

    This is so right. Time and time again in the console wars, the first to market did not win in the end. It's ALWAYS been the system with the best game selection.

    3rd Gen:

    First to Market: Sega
    Best Game Selection: Nintendo
    Winner: Nintendo

    4th Gen:

    First to Market: TurboGraphics 16
    Best Game Selection: SuperNintendo/SegaGensis (tie)
    Winner: SuperNintendo/SegaGensis (tie)

    5th Gen:

    First to Market: Atari Jaguar
    Best Game Selection: Sony Playstation
    Winner: Sony Playstation

    6th Gen:

    First to Market: Sega Dreamcast
    Best Game Selection: Sony PS2
    Winner: Sony PS2

    The same could be said for advanced hardware; the winners in the game consoles were always the systems with the best game selections, not the ones that were first to market NOR the ones that had the best hardware.

    Of course, this has gotten WAY off topic now ;)

    (But I must say I'm going to preorder a Wii for sure!)

    map of boston marathon route. 2011 oston marathon route.
  • 2011 oston marathon route.

  • andiwm2003
    Jul 27, 01:19 PM
    How about a new Mac at WWDC?

    Lower Model:
    CConroe E6300 - 1.86 GHz � FSB1066 � 2 MB cache - ($185)
    1GB RAM
    160GB Serial ATA hard drive
    Double-layer SuperDrive (DVD+R DL/DVD�RW/CD-RW)
    One open PCI-Express expansion slot
    One open Optical drive slot [maybe] (i.e. for 2nd DVD drive)
    Graphics Card with 128MB SDRAM
    Built-in AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth 2.0, USB/FW800
    Remote [(?] I think this box will still be small enough to fit into home entertainment setups.]
    Keyboard, Mighty Mouse...................................................... $999

    Some Options:
    Conroe E6600 - 2.40 GHz � FSB1066 � 4 MB cache � (+$100)
    Wireless Keyboard/Mouse +$60
    Add DVD/CD ROM drive (in 2nd slot) + $50
    250GB SATA hard drive +$75
    +1GB RAM (2GB total) +$100
    +3GB RAM (4GB total) +$300
    Slightly Better Graphics Card with 256MB SDRAM + $50
    Much Better Graphics Card +$200+

    prepare to be disappointed.

    and your prices are $500 to low anyway.

    map of boston marathon route. 2011 oston marathon
  • 2011 oston marathon

  • georgi0
    Sep 19, 12:54 AM
    .. i am wondering if the price of the current line of MB and MBP will drop or it will stay the same and it will be replaced by shiping out MEROM laptops.


    Jul 27, 09:41 AM
    Yay! Chips that don't suck and are fast! (I hate P4s)

    Mac Kiwi
    Jul 21, 05:47 AM
    How about Super Mac :D

    Eight cores I cant wait.

    Imagine 32 bit passes at 4k in your 3D apps with all the extras.....Eight render lines screeching down the screen.

    Aug 26, 04:10 PM
    So, if Merom is out the 28th and possiblity of Merom MBPs comeing out the 29th? or sometime BEFORE September.

    Aug 11, 10:29 AM
    I don't really want an iphone, I'd rather have an ipod with ichat/isight tbh

    Aug 17, 11:28 AM
    Lots of stuff on Anandtech about the poor memory performance on the Intel chipset.

    Looks like the Xeons got killed by the G5 in Word in their tests.
    Might be an interesting machine when/if the motherboard chipset/ memory performance issue is looked in to.

    I think part 3 of their review will be telling, paring the machine up to XP machines in a variety of tests.

    Also from the Anandtech review (the reviewers conclusion actually):

    The Mac Pro is pretty much everything the PowerMac G5 should have been. It's cooler, quieter, faster, has more expansion and it gives you more for your value than the older systems ever could.

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