الجمعة، 13 مايو 2011

game of thrones hbo

game of thrones hbo. game of thrones hbo logo.
  • game of thrones hbo logo.

  • nchu429
    Aug 23, 08:49 PM
    334,448 iPods or
    671,141 Nanos or
    1,449,275 Shuffles.

    game of thrones hbo. New HBO series: quot;A Game of
  • New HBO series: quot;A Game of

  • Psychic Shopper
    Sep 4, 07:20 PM
    "This would somewhat explain why the Paris Expo was given the cold shoulder."
    Cold shoulder to say the least. The same day as the expo, in London, Apple will hold a press conference. If you are a reporter, where do you go?
    Apple distanced itself from the Macworld New York Expo, I wonder if they are doing the same thing with the Paris expo?

    game of thrones hbo. for HBO#39;s Game of Thrones
  • for HBO#39;s Game of Thrones

  • kettle
    Oct 27, 10:21 AM
    Exactly. There was no violence, no rowdiness. This is how the current mindf*cks work. People hear that a group or activist with views counter to the needs of govenrment and big business and their heads immediately fills with images of extreme millitancy. As I said - they handed out leaflets. That's it.

    It's the same when the intelligence services and police stage 'terror raids' on houses where the inhabitants have no connection to terror. People immediately think 'Ahh, they've got those terrorist scum...' When the suspects are released without charge no one asks how zero evidence can possibly lead to an armed raid.

    They're playing the 'game' like everyone else. It's about leverage from one group over another and today's parameters are the environment and how we agree to perceive change.

    If enough faces on the media can say "there is a consensus amongst scientists" then the easier science 'theory' can become science 'fact' and there we have the the most valuable tool known to man - "A bigger stick to beat people with."

    Admit it, greenpeace are playing the 'game'

    The problem came to a head when one woman complained that they had placed an apple in her child�s pram and were taking photographs of him without her permission.
    Macworld UK

    game of thrones hbo. Game of Thrones (which
  • Game of Thrones (which

  • floam
    Aug 28, 07:51 PM

    game of thrones hbo. HBO#39;s GAME OF THRONES Gets a
  • HBO#39;s GAME OF THRONES Gets a

  • cadillaccactus
    Sep 19, 02:51 PM
    I was satisfied with the image quality on my 20" Dell widescreen, but sitting at my desk to watch a movie instead of my couch isn't the movie experience I'm going for.

    This is precisely why other companies' attempts to "bring the PC into the living room" have failed (and will continue to do so). Think of the logistics of this (if you will) from an interior design perspective. Are you going to put your media center PC on a TV stand in your living room across from the couch to watch movies/TV? Are you also going to have a desk chair sitting right in front of it for those times you'd like more PC than TV? People (families) do not use computers in their living room and they do not watch movies/TV sitting at a desk.

    This is why iTV is brilliant. Living rooms are for content, not computing. Content is the only aspect of your computer that is necessary in the living room, and it is all iTV delivers.


    game of thrones hbo. HBO#39;s A Game of Thrones
  • HBO#39;s A Game of Thrones

  • muncyweb
    Mar 23, 06:45 PM
    I started doing like this guy (http://www.speedtrapahead.org) a while back when a revenue officer started hiding in a church parking lot near my house. As soon as the "Speed Trap Ahead" sign went up in my yard, what-d-ya-know!...no more sirens! If the people will make this their responsibility, it will no longer be as profitable for them.

    game of thrones hbo. Game of Thrones (HBO) scene
  • Game of Thrones (HBO) scene

  • MarcelV
    Aug 31, 08:38 PM
    Apple bought Worldcom's new telecom switch center.

    Google is buying Nortel's dark fiber.

    Google's CEO is on Apple's board.

    Nobody is going to run fiber to the last mile.

    The solution is Intel wimax and Samsung 4G.

    I told you so.

    While it sounds good, I don't see this happen soon at all. Also, Verizon disagrees with you, because they are pulling fiber to the homes in several (large) cities and more to come. The investment for 4G (802.16e I assume you're talking about)will be much too high while not providing enough guarantees it will be financial feasible in short and mid term to make shareholders feel confortable. But if it will, Apple will get my money :) But are there enough gadget geeks like me in the world? That will make or break the project.....

    game of thrones hbo. game of thrones hbo itunes
  • game of thrones hbo itunes

  • ChrisTX
    Apr 30, 07:04 PM
    Great, now can someone please release a product that actually uses Thunderbolt so I can get it for my MBP?

    +1 I know theres, an external hard drive available, but I'm curious myself to see what get's released.

    game of thrones hbo. game of thrones hbo cast
  • game of thrones hbo cast

  • RodThePlod
    Oct 12, 05:01 PM
    Yeah, I posted that earlier - I want the proper matte anodised finish. But RED, not that trendy pinkish colour that's going around at the moment. Proper, primary RED.

    I've got a special edition (RED) Motorola SLVR that you can see here: http://direct.motorola.com/hellomoto/red/

    It appears to be made of the same anodised aluminium of the nanos and looks way cool. I love the way it looks - and yes, it's more of a burgundy that primary red. The darker colour grows on you, though - it's not garish but rather just understated.

    Everyone comments on it - and it actually feels good to say that a percentage of my calls/text charges goes toward a worthwhile cause every month.


    game of thrones hbo. Game of Thrones (HBO)
  • Game of Thrones (HBO)

  • zwida
    Sep 4, 08:44 PM
    An iPod update is way overdue. It's been almost a year since the last major iPod update.

    I think it's reasonable to say that an iPod update is due. It's hard to argue that an iPod update is "way overdue." Apple times this stuff deliberately, and even if we'd all like flashy new kit every three months, I think they've got the update cycle just about perfect.

    game of thrones hbo. HBO#39;s GAME OF THRONES Review
  • HBO#39;s GAME OF THRONES Review

  • kdarling
    Apr 20, 09:25 AM
    My favorite was a few years ago when Apple tried to stop New York (aka the Big Apple) from using this logo for their "Green New York" environmental project.

    Apple claimed it would "seriously injure the reputation which it has established for its goods and services."


    game of thrones hbo. hbo game of thrones wallpaper.
  • hbo game of thrones wallpaper.

  • EspressoLove
    Apr 22, 07:08 PM
    This may have been asked and answered before, but is the common belief that USB and Firewire will be completely gone soon? For example, my Macbook Air has room for only two ports - a mini-display drive, and a USB drive. Is the idea that the Thunderbolt drive will replace the USB, and that purchasers of the new Air will use an adapter of some sort for "old" USB peripherals moving forward?

    If Apple has this expectation, they had better at least sell an appropriate adapter/hub. I've long thought a thin, form-matching hub that connects to all of the ports on one side of an Apple portable would be a great idea. If Apple can make a 2- or even 3-port USB hub off of the Thunderbolt port (especially if a Mini Display-Port is also available) for ~$50, that would be golden for this type of MBA plan.

    You both think into it too much:
    - FireWire was gone from Apple's "future of notebooks" since the beginning of time (2008:rolleyes:)
    - Thunderbolt is not replacing USBs, it's a supplement to DisplayPort (and can connect to both display and peripherals simultaneously)

    game of thrones hbo. game of thrones tyrion
  • game of thrones tyrion

  • McGiord
    Mar 29, 01:30 PM
    Oracle's lawsuit against Google is airtight. Android's use of a non-compliant virtual machine (the Dalvik VM) is a clear violation of the Java license agreement. And there's legal precedent: Microsoft paid Sun $20 million back in 2001 when Sun successfully sued them for trying to "embrace, extend, and extinguish" Java.

    Google will lose the lawsuit. And nobody has ever accused Larry Ellison of being Mr. Nice Guy. He doesn't want money this time. He wants to protect the intellectual property Oracle acquired from Sun. He wants all copies of Android to be "impounded and destroyed" (a direct quote from text of the suit.) Because if Google is allowed to plagiarize and distort Java, others will follow. Ellison is making an example of Google, and it's going to be a law school textbook IP case study for the ages.

    Soon Android will be off the market while Google is forced to retool their JVM to be 100% Java compliant. Google is already scrambling to get rid of their non-compliant Dalvik VM. They actually hired James Gosling, the "inventor" of Java, so they've got religion now.

    And, although money isn't the motivating factor behind the Oracle lawsuit, it is a factor nonetheless. Google will end up paying Oracle a license fee for each and every generic me-too Android iPhone clone and iPad clone that their hardware partners can mash up. And that erases Android's only advantage over WP7. Android will no longer be free.

    So, when Android is off the market, Nokia's WP7 phones will have a chance to avoid becoming KIN 2.0. There will be a window of opportunity for Nokia and Microsoft to build up a little market share. Some corporations and consumers will buy Nokia WP7 phones just because Nokia and Microsoft are "too big to die." (And just when Google thinks it's safe, when they've implemented a 100% compliant JVM, Apple can sue them for GUI patent infringement. But that's another story...)

    In the meantime, both WP7 and Nokia will have zero market presence. For all of 2011 and part of 2012. That's an eternity.

    Well I missed this news. Can you please share a link/source about this?

    game of thrones hbo. HBO says yes to Game of
  • HBO says yes to Game of

  • Michael383
    Apr 17, 05:08 AM
    I think Intel's support for both Thunderbolt and USB 3.0 will be a good thing in the end.

    game of thrones hbo. wallpaper game of thrones.
  • wallpaper game of thrones.

  • jofarmer
    Sep 12, 04:53 PM
    See above I am testing this theory now and will report on the result in about a half hour.
    Well, I'm looking forward to seeing the results. I just ripped a chapter to AVC using 768kps and 640x352 and playing it took my powerbook to 60%. We ARE talking about a powerful codec here.

    But then again, 320x240 H.264 made my iBook G3 900 go chunky...

    game of thrones hbo. hbo game of thrones posters.
  • hbo game of thrones posters.

  • iMacThere4Iam
    Apr 19, 06:53 PM
    Anyone who is stupid enough to confuse a Galaxy S with an iPhone shouldn't own a smartphone anyway. All they have to do is turn over the freaking phone and notice that big Samsung logo to know it's not an Apple product.

    They'll get a real education if they buy a Galaxy S and begin downloading questionable apps, and their so - called "open source" Android OS slows, freezes, and/or crashes while it's mining their personal data.

    game of thrones hbo. game of thrones hbo poster.
  • game of thrones hbo poster.

  • asdf542
    Apr 22, 11:45 AM
    Late 2010 - Weak processor, decent GPU
    Mid 2011 - Stronger processor, slightly worse GPU than before
    2012 - Stronger in every category

    game of thrones hbo. Game of Thrones is A-GO!! HBO
  • Game of Thrones is A-GO!! HBO

  • scoobydoo99
    Apr 20, 10:16 AM
    When did 'reached out' become a better phrase to use than simply 'contacted'?

    When one is trying to impart a sense of altruism to the actors, one says they "reached out." This implies a wholesome, good-faith effort to initiate dialog with a possibly resistant adversary. When the adversary does not comment, the correct framing in this case will be that they "refused" to reply, even if they simply had no response at all.

    Basic spin doctoring ;)

    game of thrones hbo. Game Of Thrones
  • Game Of Thrones

  • mcmlxix
    Mar 29, 01:46 PM
    Finder does not support Cut and Paste for files, and is unlikely to do so. Its a philosophical difference, and to bring that up as an example of Win7 superiority is silly, at best. Apple could easily implement it, but they choose not to. Its another one of those "One button Mouse" deals, where Apple is being obstinate.

    But what then is Apple’s philosophy regarding cut & paste to move a file? Drag and drop should be used instead?

    This would be valid if Finder had a collapsible hierarchy in the menu bar; but it doesn’t. Who wants to alias every folder on to the menu bar? This would be valid if dragging a file (or folder) in one Finder window scrolled easily up and down. It’s dodgy at best.

    Should multipleFinder window should have to be open, even if they don’t snap together so you have to spend a lot of time resizing and moving windows?

    As for 2 button mice, sure Apple doesn’t have one, but that’s disingenuous, because of all intents and purposes, 1-finger click/tap = left button and 2-finger click/tap = right button.

    Apr 20, 12:28 PM
    everyone here is on facebook, exposing their real names, friends, user uploaded photos that are under the control of facebook under the new TOS agreement, where they live, phone numbers, what they like, what they dislike, their status updates, etc.

    i'm not on facebook.

    Sep 9, 11:15 AM
    That's almost 100% a hardware malfunction that causes Windows to restart after a serious failure. The default setting in Windows is to restart when it encounters a serious system failure and this can be disabled in the control panel to aid in seeking out the failing hardware. But I guess this is too late to fix now, since it sounds as if you sold the machine.
    Stevie doesn't sell machines, especially one's he can still use daily.

    When I can be bothered, I will scrub both drives on it clean and reinstall XP and Fedora Core 5 on there. It still won't get used as much as my Mac though.

    Apr 22, 11:52 AM
    It doesn't happen because what they should really be putting is Blu-Ray.
    If Blu-Ray was going to happen it would've been in the refresh of 2011 MBP's. I can't imagine the optical drive being around much longer in anything other than the Mac Pro.

    Apr 19, 01:31 PM
    Wow. That does look like an early Galaxy S (dark chrome bezel to boot!). Interesting find.

    Apple copied the front facing camera 3 years later. :D

    Aug 24, 03:56 AM
    Is this a one-time payment to include all future uses?

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