الجمعة، 13 مايو 2011

easter eggs templates

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  • LC475
    Apr 11, 06:49 PM
    There's nothing to fear about Apple making FCP less than professional.

    The thing to understand is that NLEs never change their basic structure of how editing works, i.e moving clips in the timeline, trimming, etc. Look at Avid - it hasn't changed much at all since the 90s because they know if they did, they would lose their base of users. Avid came in the early 90s, and FCP came in the late 90s. FCP is an improvement to the Avid idea of NLE editing, and it's a good improvement. That's one reason why it became popular. Sure, the GUI might change but the basic way of working will not. After Effects is a good example. The GUI looks totally different than it did on version 5, but you can still work basically the same.

    I don't understand what people mean by FCP lagging behind Avid and Adobe. In the last couple years, FCP has been making strong gains in Hollywood. WB, 20th Fox, Paramount have all used FCP on major movies. I worked as an AE on one of them. Professionals like FCP, many movie editors I know like FCP, major post houses use it, and I'm sure after tomorrow we will like it even more.

    If anything, FCP has become less of a consumer app and more of a professional one. Hollywood wouldn't have thought of using FCP in 1999 on version 1, but they're using it now. It's become more professional over the last ten years.

    With the new technology of thunderbolt, 64bit support, and multithreading support, in addition to iPad support, we should see an awesome upgrade tomorrow.

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  • Sydde
    Mar 23, 06:03 PM
    Isn't that an ad feminam?

    Well, I suppose it really should have been ad homines � the (proper) plural would I think mitigate the gender.

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  • Al Coholic
    Apr 6, 05:21 PM
    Based on the heat being generated by the new MB pros I hope Apple issues a fire extinguisher with each Air. :eek:

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  • yoak
    Apr 12, 02:24 AM
    :confused: so FPC should create content?

    They do. FCP regularly uses more than 100% CPU during render. Not saying it can't be improved though.

    "Insufficient content"
    Is an error message that pops up at random. Very frustrating.

    But Compressor don't. At least not if you send something from FC directly. You have to create a QuickTime file first, then open that in Compressor, then it will use all your cores.
    BUT only if you have manage to set up Qmaster correctly first. It took me 5 days online to figure this out and make it work properly. I still come to post houses where they haven't figured this out.
    It shouldn't have to be this complicated

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  • Easter Egg Colouring

  • Half Glass
    Aug 18, 11:29 PM
    "Quad Core Ready" - that would make a nice bullet on a software package wouldn't it?

    Better yet: "MultiCore Ready".

    So the webpages at Apple.com suggest the improvement of Xeon vs Quad G5 in FCP of 1.3- 1.4 times as fast as the Quad G5.

    However, notice that it is footnoted that these results were obtained using a Beta version of FCP:

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  • igator210
    Apr 27, 09:04 AM
    The principle of any and every cell phone is that if can connect to a cellular network signal, it knows where you are. Based upon every unique cellular ID, the networks know how to route incoming calls and texts to you, If it didn't how that. how the h#!! do you think you'd get any calls? Right now, sitting at my desk, Verizon knows exactly where I am (based upon triangulation of the nearest cell towers. They have my unique cell ID and my account information. My dumb phone even has a gps 911 locator on it. I dial 911, they know where I am.

    Side story: the credit card companies know exactly where I am better then the cell companies. Every time I swipe my credit or debit card, they know where I am. When I travel for vacation, I am very likely to get a call from my credit card company (on my cell) asking where, when and how long I will be traveling. They know every store and every purchase I've ever made on a credit card.

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  • cult hero
    Mar 25, 11:51 PM
    It is a big update. Versions and Resume alone are huge, IMO. (Which you don't really appreciate until you start using them.)

    The UI may not look radically different, but there's hardly a part of it that hasn't been retouched.

    I still don't know what people want on these forums. I am SUBSTANTIALLY more excited about Lion than I was about Leopard or Snow Leopard. I don't care about more eye candy. Versions, autosave and resume are all great features and more importantly they're features non-techies will appreciate even more. For instance, my dad is definitely not the kind of person I would usually point to a preview of an OS, but I knew as soon as I read that, "Oh yeah, my dad's gonna love this." My mom too.

    Merging server is damn cool, Mission Control and the improvements to Spaces both look very compelling and I like the interface changes. I'm all too happy to see scroll bars going bye-bye. And who knows what changes they'll be making to the main libraries. Full screen apps + the new Spaces = win for me when I'm using just my laptop screen and am not hooked up to an external monitor.

    When that like 15 minute preview of 10.7 was posted on this site I got really excited. Everything looked really cool.

    Since Launchpad is obviously considered by Apple to be the selling point of Lion, I think I'll wait until there's actually something to spend money on.

    What? SRSLY? Have you even looked at what's being added?

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  • iGary
    Aug 25, 04:36 PM
    Having to go through 5 Cinema Displays, two logic boards, a new processor set, a dented new PB, 12 Apple Store visits, and 16 hours on the phone with AppleCare pretty much sums up my satisfaction with Apple's support.

    They are nice and courteous, but not given the power to do much in most situations. Pass the buck is their motto.

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 15, 03:29 AM
    10. Reasonably priced. Check out current PC boxes!

    You know the more I think about it the more I question Apple's ability to make anything with a Xeon particularly cheap. I've been pricing all sorts of Dell workstations with the 5100 series Xeon-Woodcrest cores... even the single chip versions are not cheap. Granted, they may have inflated prices due to targeting at the large business market, but still they wouldn't be cheap. We'll see, but the more I think about it maybe we will see Conroe at the low end.

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  • lsvtecjohn3
    Apr 19, 02:45 PM
    Sorry about the caps but everyone should see this:


    Here are the phones they announced: http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_at_cebit_2006-news-177.php

    So, is it possible for a mod to get rid of this? It's trolling and FUD at its finest.

    this is true Announced February 2007 Released December 2007


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  • raymondso
    Sep 19, 09:02 AM
    normally.....do they update new product at 9?

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  • Hastings101
    Apr 6, 03:26 PM
    did you feel dorky typing XOOM so many times. I would, because its dorky. It's the same reasons that everything in "Xenon: Girl of the 21st Century" was dorky

    Don't you dare insult Zenon. Those were the best preteen made for tv disney movies ever. :mad::mad::mad:

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  • wmmk
    Jul 14, 06:19 PM
    The thing I like least about this rumor is that it specifies only a 320GB harddrive.

    The current configs (quad g5) were released in October of last year, in that time harddrive capacities have increased well beyond that (320) small number.

    The new machines will get 500GB drives I have to believe.

    320 would be the standard. you could upgrade to a terabyte if there are still two HDD bays.

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  • JRM PowerPod
    Aug 11, 11:46 PM
    The K800 battery life is rubbish I've found, I wouldn't particularly recommend one, same with the K610i.

    I would recommend it, battery life is rubbish if you're taking 3.2 megapixel photos all the time, on your 3G content, and playing music, but i've found for such a feature packed phone it still gets about 3-4days standyby on my network, obviously this is going to be depedent on who is your service provider

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  • i.mac
    Apr 27, 08:47 AM
    A "bug" right? ;)


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  • amols
    Aug 27, 02:28 AM
    I don't give a rat's A** about Santa Rosa. What I do give a Rat's A** about is that Easy Access HD Bay. The ability to have multiple 160 GB HDs standing by for different field purposes can make for revolutionary work flow procedures.

    Exactly!! I did swap my MBP HD from 100GB (Seagate 5400.2) to 160GB (Seagate 5400.3) and almost cracked the top cover, not to mention destroyed the warranty (which I don't mind anyway). Its really funny that we can easily swap HD in MB but not in MBP. I hope they fix this in next release instead of silly Merom updates.

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  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 7, 06:28 PM

    From this site:

    Closed captioning
    QuickTime currently supports closed captioning by including a text track alongside audio and video content. But improved QuickTime support will automatically display the CEA-608 closed captioning text standard in analog broadcasts in the U.S.


    Anyone think this means support for Closed Captioning in iTunes video downloads? As a hearing-impaired Mac-User, the lack of subtitles/captions in the TV shows is the one thing keeping me from buying a bunch of them. I hope they address this issue soon...

    I am not hearing impaired, but I often watch TV and movies with the closed captioning on. I cannot really say what about it makes it more enjoyable to me--no one has ever understood why I do it, maybe it has to do with how I process information (I do have trouble listening in lecture classes, maybe a learning disability etc.), but my point is to say that I am also interested in getting closed captioning on iTunes shows.

    I wrote to Apple on the feedback part of their web-site about this. I was wondering if you might know better what the law is about closed captioning. I always assumed it was required for network television shows. Is it not for network shows that appear online?

    Anyhow, it's functionality I would definitely like to see.

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  • Burnsey
    Apr 27, 11:00 AM

    There you have it. The birthers aren't satisfied. I knew it.

    If this birth certificate said that Obama wasn't born in the US they would be singing a different tune. Heck they would be singing a different tune given the tiniest most unlikely evidence that he wasn't born in the US.

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  • MacBoobsPro
    Jul 20, 10:09 AM
    you need to do your math better, extra core = 1.5x - 1.8x speed increase. but still the same power usage as a normal core!

    Wow Im having to do a lot of explaining of my posts, im beginning to think im a bit retarded. :(

    24Ghz is (in my head) an 8 core machine running at 3Ghz i.e. 8x3=24

    Its just an example to make things easier for people to answer my OP. :)

    DISCLAIMER: All information contained within my posts sounded right in my head at the time of writing. However I may have been A) Quickly typing because I should actually be working B) Trying to be funny but failing miserabley or C) Drunk. It is not my intention to confuse people but I seem to do it quite easily and without knowledge. Please address any complaints to the complaints dept. at Microsoft Corporation.

    Aug 27, 01:18 AM
    Damn PowerPC fans.

    Apple is INTEL now. We Love Intel Because Stevie Tells Us So.
    We hate AMD and IBM. Should Apple ever move to another CPU provider, we will seamlessly transition to hating Intel again. This is the Way of the Mac.

    What's so good about G5's anyway? They are slow, too hot, and skull juice.
    Why do we love Intel? Because Steve says to, and Core 2 Duo is powerful, cool, not permanently drunk, allows us to run Windows and helps Apple increase its market share.

    We love ATi because just like Intel, their products are the best at the moment. We still love nVIDIA because their GPUs are in the Mac Pro.

    We love Israel because they make our Core 2 Duos and we love China because they make our Macs. We love California because that's where Our Lord Stevie J is (Don't particularly care about the rest of the US, sorry guys).

    We love our Big Cats because they run so fast and look so clean and powerful (Hmmm... Mystery of OS codenames revealed?) and of course because they are not Windows, which are susceptible to breaking...

    People who live in Windows shouldn't throw Viruses?

    Off track...

    Anyway, Rawr to all you PowerPC fanboys (And girls)

    Intel 4EVER!

    Apr 25, 01:59 PM
    What I don't understand is even if Apple is tracking us, why did Steve Jobs simply lie about the claims, thats whats fishy about all this..

    Sep 13, 09:31 AM
    Are these processors 32 or 64 bit? I told one of my PC-lovin' IT guys about the 8 core Mac this morning and he said, "32 bit processors are ancient technology no matter how many you stuff into a box, but I guess they are OK for entertainment computers." :rolleyes:

    Apr 25, 01:39 PM
    but I really do not like the fact that the iPhone has a breadcrumbs database of my travels for the last 3 years!

    This type of thing should not happen without users' knowledge... and it was. Or else this file would not be news!

    I too don't like the idea of a device saving my location. On the other hand when I am using the Maps app for driving directions which sends my current location to Google, I would be naive to think that information isn't being stored somewhere.

    Sep 13, 07:59 AM
    What I couldn't understand - I couldn't see it explained in the article - why is the dual core Mac Pro (i.e. with current Mac Pro with 2 cores disabled) faster in so many tests than the 4 core Mac Pro.

    probably due to latency involved in distributing the load across the two processors. that's the same problem a single Clovertown would have. Only true quads wouldn't suffer from these problems (earliest seems to be Harpertown in don't know if there are any non-MCM Xeons scheduled before then)

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