الأحد، 15 مايو 2011

coloring pages disney

coloring pages disney. EXIT DISNEY PRINCESS COLORING

  • Multimedia
    Jul 30, 03:25 PM
    Gee, talk about getting ahead of yourself.

    Core 3 will be out before Vista is. I'm going to call it now.

    Everybody, be my witness, Core 3 (any processor that goes beyond Core 2 because I don't know if they'll call it "Core 3") will be out before a consumer version of Vista is shipped.Here's an example of a post based in fantasy instead of fact. Core 3 is a distinct next generation set of processors based on a 45nm manufacturing process that will not begin before LATE 2008 and reign all of 2009 and 2010. :rolleyes:

    We are your witness. And what we are witnessing is that you have not studied the Intel Roadmap at all.You don't think Vista will be out before the revision to the Core 2 Duo due in Q1 2007 with the Santa Rosa chipset??? I bet Vista will ship by the time the Santa Rosa chipset is ready, especially because MS is suggesting Vista systems use harddrives or Mobos with flash RAM to speed up the boot process.Vista ships early 2007 and way preceeds the Core 3 launch. :rolleyes:

    Core 2 is with us for the next two years, all of 2007 and most of 2008.:)

    coloring pages disney. Fun Coloring Pages: Disney´s
  • Fun Coloring Pages: Disney´s

  • maclaptop
    Apr 11, 04:58 PM
    Apple can create Christmas any day of the year.

    Only amongst those who's entirely sad life, waits in anticipation.

    All the while, most of us have much richer, more well balanced lives.

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  • WildCowboy
    Aug 16, 11:32 PM

    I don't know what ROFL stands for, but from context-clues, I'm thinking it means pretty damn funny. In which case, ROFL, dude.

    Rolling On Floor Laughing

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  • Evangelion
    Aug 12, 03:51 AM
    Is it possible for Apple to release a phone sold in their stores that would work on all networks? Or have several versions of the phone that will work for Verizon, Cingular...

    I'll never be ceased at just how retarded the phone-system is outside Finland (or Scandinavia). I just buy a phone, and I get a SIM-card, and boom, it just works. I can replace the SIM at will, and it will just work. No hassle, no worries that "but this phone wotn work with that operator!". Unsatisfied with your current operator? It takes maybe ten minutes to get a new operator, and you get to keep your old number, AND your phone (it is YOUR phone, after all!).

    I think that the scheme where the phones are tied to certain operator is just plain retarded. This is a perfect example as to why that is so. And I'm REALLY surprised that you folks (the rest of the world that is) hasn't seen the light on this issue. You just happily accept a scheme that limits choice and competition.

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  • Disney Tinker Bell Coloring

  • hyperpasta
    Aug 5, 04:02 PM
    There is no way in the world Apple will be putting iSights in the Cinema Displays.

    Well iSight or no, there needs to be an update anyway. The Mac Pro will have Front Row, and how will you control it by remote if you're meant to keep it under your desk? The new Cinema Displays need an IR "extender".

    Besides, I still think Apple WOULD love to include an iSight in their displays.

    coloring pages disney. MORE DISNEY COLORING PAGES

  • mcrain
    Mar 17, 12:51 PM
    How many times did Barack Obama attempt to draw a difference between himself and Hillary by saying "I was against the war from the beginning."? Lots. He was against the war from the beginning, and he campaigned on ending the Iraq war and escalating the Afghanistan war in an attempt to do what we went there for in the first place; and actually plan on an orderly end of the conflict. So, yes, you are correct. He was against the Iraq war from the beginning, and he said so. Bravo, 1-1 so far.

    How many times did he attempt to portray himself as the polar opposite of George Bush, especially his foreign policy? Lots. In what ways has he not been the polar opposite? Do you have examples or cites? He did try to close Guantanamo, and the GOP blocked him. He actually put in place a time table for withdrawal from Iraq. He actually focused our efforts on Afghanistan; the war that started in response to 9/11 (almost 10 years ago btw).

    How many times did he say that he was going to repair the view of America in the eyes of the Muslim world? Lots. Hasn't he? A dead fish would have had a better image than GWB in that part of the world.

    How many times did he the right wing media say he would talk to leaders of 'terrorist nations' without preconditions? Lots. Fixed that for ya.

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  • Multimedia
    Jul 21, 01:39 PM
    Hey Multimedia, just curious, I wonder what's your current (something you want to use for the next 1-2 years) idea of the ultimate machine wrt number of Cores, Memory, Storage, etc. And, how much are you willing to pay for it?Under $4k whatever state of the offerings are. I am not writing about wanting to pay for expensive servers etc. I am only referring to Mac Pro top of the lines. So I am looking foward to the 8 core starter kit this Winter. :D

    Mine is not RAM intensive work. I have 6GB of ram now and it is more than enough. I also have several Terabytes of HDs already. 400GB HDs are down to $100 now so Storage is pretty cheap with each Terabyte down to $250 or 25� a GB.

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  • puckhead193
    Aug 6, 10:29 AM
    all i care about is an updated iMac...... i guess tomarrow i will find out.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 20, 10:05 AM

    feel free to point out how difficult it is to see any similarities...

    You're talking about the Trademark claims for the icons, which as I've pointed out in the other thread, Apple must pursue. I've never made any claims as far as the validity or lack thereof of this claim over the icons.

    My point was about the trade dress claims about the device, specifically, the screen bevel, shape of the phone, position of buttons, "icon grid". Again, not all models of Galaxy S seem to be infringing on the iPhone and thus it is quite bizarre that Apple is including all them in their claims, and also quite handy that the Apple biased media is only using pictures showing the "similar" models.

    The particular model I posted does not look anything like an iPhone.

    Feel free to discuss the same things I am next time so that we can actually have a meaningful debate about it.

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  • asterizk
    Nov 28, 07:05 PM
    I think they'll be a long way off getting money from every iPod sold. For a start its such an illogical thing to ask for (Did the music companies ask for money for every CD player or Tape Recorder sold? Nope), plus I suspect the main reason that Microsoft agreed to pay money in the first place is that they needed to get the music labels on board to boost the Zune Music Store, Microsoft was in the weaker position here and I believe the labels exploited that weakness.

    Yup.. Gruber made a similar statement (http://daringfireball.net/2006/11/buy_that_for_a_dollar) recently.

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  • MrSEC
    Mar 31, 07:42 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    So stop whoring out your lame beta OS, Google, and finally have some respect for your product.

    Steve Jobs was right all along. All this open baloney falls apart pretty quick when you spread your crap around to anyone and everyone who can slam together a box.

    Next on the list: tighter Android Marketplace controls and a fresh round of app rejections.

    Then we'll here everyone say "of course, it had to happen, no big deal." Yeah, we ****ing told you like two years ago when it was announced Android would be licensed out to everyone. But for some reason the perennially clueless thought that it would work forever.

    In the post-PC era, User Experience reigns supreme. But Apple already taught us that years ago.

    You're an angry little boy. Why all the anger over a Fu***** computer?

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  • Erasmus
    Aug 5, 08:39 PM

    Ok, Stevie J, You can introduce the Mac Pro, the new XServe, and Leopard on Monday.

    But please don't deny us our new conroe iMac with x1800XT! Release it on Tuesday!!! And Merom Macbooks and Macbook Pros. You will lose too many sales and potential switchers if you wait until the end of September!

    Plus I'll cry.

    We beggs of you Stevie J, we wants it, we needs it, it must come to me!
    The iMac Ultra is mine. My own. My precious.

    coloring pages disney. Disney In Love Coloring Pages
  • Disney In Love Coloring Pages

  • greenstork
    Jul 14, 04:14 PM
    I'm salivating for a new desktop as I have been limping along with my dual 1GHz mirrored drive door (wind tunnel) for the past few years. I'll likely buy a middle to top end Mac Pro as soon as they are released and although I'd love a dual woodcrest, I'll be happy too with a single conroe.

    On a related note (rant)...

    I think Apple is shooting themselves in the foot not coming out with some sort of digital media center / DVR. Along with a computer and television, it's the one electronic appliance that I cannot live without. The playing field is so ripe too -- TiVo is just establishing itself with cable companies and moving out of satellite, cable company DVR's suck, there is no easy ability to rip a DVD to your computer and put it in a library, there is no easy to use set top box option to buy movies.

    Think about DAPs when the iPod came out, it's the same landscape. Sure, there were digital audio players that all paled in comparison to the iPod. I think Apple has that same opportunity with a media center/DVR.

    The problem, I presume, is that the MPAA & broadcast association would never let it happen. Apple will never be granted permissions to sell movies if they come up with a device to rip DVD's or record television.

    One can always hope. I know Apple could make a device that absolutely blows away everything that's out there right now, and it seems short sighted to not develop a product that begins to merge computers and television, this merger is inevitable. So while everyone's going off about FW800 ports in front and the location of the power supply, I'm wondering where the TV tuner and CableCard slots are.

    coloring pages disney. Coloring Pages Of Disney
  • Coloring Pages Of Disney

  • radiohead14
    Mar 22, 02:59 PM
    We are still missing an 8" Galaxy Tab to complete the 7", 9", and 10" line of tablets.

    7", 8.9", 10" :)

    i'm looking forward to reviews of that 10" samsung galaxy tab. the hardware seems sleeker than the original design they previously introduced. i hope it still has dual stereo speakers on both sides. i'm guessing that they reduced down from 8mp to 3mp camera due to the price matching and not because it's thinner, since phones can easily fit 8mp cams in their slim forms. i also hope that they don't mess it up with that touchwiz interface, as far as updating the os. at this stage of honeycomb, you'd figure that google will be rolling quite a few updates to it. although, engadget reported that there will be versions that will come vanilla.

    coloring pages disney. Coloring Pages Of Disney
  • Coloring Pages Of Disney

  • Cinch
    Aug 11, 11:39 AM
    This is probably the rumored Apple product I look forward to the most. Could really use a new phone, :p.

    I agree at least since the iPod. As an investor, I hope Apple executes their plan well. The mobile phone business is getting crowded all of a sudden e.g. Best Buy, Disney, ESPN etc. I think it will come down to design e.g. Razr.


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  • hulugu
    Mar 22, 01:02 AM
    This makes me want to go have lunch at the Cafe My Lai.

    Oh wow, I didn't catch that until now.

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  • bbeagle
    Apr 11, 11:43 AM
    Big mistake if true.

    I don't think so.

    Apple will announce iOS 5 at WWDC. It will have a lot of new features people whose contracts are ending will drool over.

    They will announce that iOS 5 will be available with the new iPhone 5 in September/October. This will give enough time for developers to make new apps and people to not jump to new contracts, because of what is promised coming soon.

    Of course, hackers will get beta versions of iOS 5 installed on their iPhone 3s and 4s to keep them happy, for the summer.

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  • THX1139
    Jul 23, 02:29 AM
    For the laptop segment, by the Holiday's, the MacBooks should be equal to the QUAD G5 in power, with the MBP 8 cores (2x4), and desktops in all various ranges.....especially with UB programs, all the way up to 4x4.

    You mean the Holiday season of 2007? You must believe in Santa Claus. You aren't going to be seeing Macbooks equaling the speed of the G5 Quad any time soon. Quad in a Macbook by December? No way. You won't see it in a MBP either...

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  • matznentosh
    Jul 27, 02:54 PM
    Don't ask! Hahahaha, the G5's run hot, I'd hate to know how much they're sucking but with a 600W power supply...it's a lot;)

    Reminds me of the time I borrowed my brother's very old Volkswagon Beetle, the air cooled kind. I noticed there was no temperature gage and asked him how hot it gets - he laughed and said "you don't want to know... think cherry red hot metal".

    Sep 12, 11:15 AM
    Very cool. Now to find apps (os10.5 direct blind support?) that can make use of all those cores. :cool:

    Aug 11, 02:57 PM
    See now that is something I never understood, how the cell service can be so poor in a place like NYC, yet I was making calls on my CDMA phone in the middle of Wyoming this summer. In fact, there are few places in very unpopulated midwest and west that you can't get a decent signal at least with a CDMA phone. People that come here with GSM are out of luck anywhere except metro areas.
    New York has more of something than Wyoming, which is buildings. These buildings make it more difficult for signal to get to people, I think. For whatever reasons CDMA seems to work much better here than GSM.

    Aug 27, 09:33 PM
    I think im gonna wait and buy in 2007 with leopard and iLife 07 :rolleyes:I don't think I will be able to wait another 8 months. Waiting for C2D was brutal enough. But I'm gonna try and hold out for a refurb C2 Mac Pro or MB or MBP.

    Jul 20, 09:58 AM
    No I think you are confused. :) I meant "Is having more cores, lets say 8, more efficient than one big core equal in processing power to the 8 cores?"
    First of all, you assume that it is possible to make "one big core equal in processing power to the 8 cores". I don't think it is possible to do this (at least not with the x86 architecture using today's technology.)

    But assuming such a chip exists, the answer depends on what kind of efficiency you're thinking of.

    If you mean computational efficiency (meaning the most useful processing per clock-tick), then a single big core will do better. This is because single-threaded apps will be able to use the full power (whereas multiple threads are needed to take advantagte of multiple cores.) Also, the operating system can get rid of the overhead that is needed to keep software running on the multiple cores from stepping on each other.

    If you mean energy efficiency (amount of processing per watt of electricity consumed), then it could go either way, depending on how the chips are made. But given today's manufacturing processes and the non-linear power curve that we see as clock speeds are increased, the multiple-core solution will almost definitely use less power.

    Aug 25, 04:03 PM
    Kind of a rude reply to someone who is just posting their experience with Apple.

    Without criticism there would never be a reason to improve anything.

    Agreed, thats why i asked what that meant. I mean its a distasteful reply and im sure if iMike were in his shoes he'd be writing the same type of post....then again he might suck it up...because its almighty Apple.

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