الخميس، 19 مايو 2011

sad love quotes wallpapers

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  • aohus
    Apr 19, 02:56 PM
    Apple mastered the GUI that Xerox gave it to them.In other words, my mother means much more to me than God.

    Apple may have expanded upon existing GUI elements, but it didn't invent the GUI. Very big difference there.

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  • gugy
    Aug 5, 10:42 PM

    Leopard preview
    Mac Pro (same enclosure)
    New displays. Same enclosure, better specs.
    Isight, smaller, stand alone. or BTO on displays
    New large display 40"+
    New Aiport xpress. Better range, wirelles music/video.
    That's it
    No ipods, no Ihome, no iphone.

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  • Tones2
    Apr 11, 01:39 PM
    Yeah, like all those trailblazing Android tablets that are 1-2 years ahead of the iPad, right? :rolleyes:

    I'm talking PHONE. Wait 2 years or so on the tablets and it'll be the same thing. Apple just got too big of a head start on tablets.


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  • dbwie
    Apr 27, 10:39 AM
    They cannot pinpoint YOU because data is sent anonymously. They can roughly pinpoint A phone, but don't know whose phone it is because the data is sent anonymously (aka without identifying information)

    I think it's not as bad as what the media would have you believe, BUT it is worse than what Apple wants you to think.

    Sure, cell towers could be up to 100 miles away. And when I ran the mapping tool and plotted my locations, and zoom in far enough, I do indeed see a grid of cell towers as opposed to actual locations where I've been standing. All anyone could know is that I've been "somewhere" in the vicinity.

    (And this isn't new. Some time ago I came upon a car crash and called 911 on my cell phone to report it. They were able to get the location to send emergency services just by where I was calling from. It wasn't 100% accurate -- they asked if I was near a major intersection and I told them it was about a block from there.)

    However, if it's also tracking wifi hotspots, those can pinpoint you pretty closely. Most people stay within 30-50 feet of their wireless router, and the ones you spend the most time connected to will be the ones at home, at work, and and at your friends' houses.

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  • technicolor
    Sep 19, 08:49 PM
    DailyTech (http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=4217) has a mention of the Core 2 Quadro processors.

    Pricing mentioned was a little lower than I expected, but it's processors in the Conroe line rather than the Xeon. Having said that, the 3GHz Xeon is slightly cheaper than the 2.93GHz Conroe.

    As expected, the highest rated speed mentioned is 2.67Ghz. This intel crap updates far too frequently...ugh


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  • Vegasman
    Apr 27, 09:08 AM
    Side story: the credit card companies know exactly where I am better then the cell companies. Every time I swipe my credit or debit card, they know where I am. When I travel for vacation, I am very likely to get a call from my credit card company (on my cell) asking where, when and how long I will be traveling. They know every store and every purchase I've ever made on a credit card.

    Are you somehow trying to imply that because the credit card company knows so much about you that it is OK to keep that information unencrypted on your phone and backup on your computer?

    All people are asking for is that personal information is kept encrypted and secured. No more. No less.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 6, 07:26 PM
    Totally depends on what tools you are using. Sure, when I'm at home working on a light webapp running nothing but Emacs, Chrome, Postgres, and using, for example, Python as my server-side language, 4GB of RAM is more than enough, hell I could get by with 2GB no problem

    You'd need 2 GBs for that ? My Linux server with about 384 MB of RAM runs that web/db environnement without breaking a sweat, with a load average of about 0.1, and that's not even a quarter of what runs off of it.

    No, seriously, people overestimate their computing ressource needs these days. Xcode is pretty light, Eclipse ran on computers from 10 years ago, so did Netbeans. Tomcat has been around and hasn't changed much from its 5.0 release, back in the early 2000s.

    The MBA is fine for running the tools you describe and would make a fine software development station for the needs you expose, don't ever doubt that.

    By "run everything", you can't possibly mean run games at "higher than medium" settings, nor edit lots of HD footage in something like Final Cut Pro. Though that's not what YOU use YOUR MacBook Air for

    I'd argue the needs I described are shared by much more people that the needs you claim aren't filled by a MBA. I doubt Final Cut Pro movie editing is anything but a small niche of what computer buyers do with their machines and "higher than medium" settings is not something I use to describe gaming. I value games for their playability, not how they look on my screen. Of course, I come from the era of EGA graphics and Adlib sound systems, when games were about gameplay.

    Still, the MBA does fine with iMovie and I can play Civilization IV at full screen on my external monitor of 2048x1156 pixels without breaking a sweat. It is a very capable machine, contrary to what you believe. Use one and see for yourself before you diss the thing. I can understand why you wouldn't be interested in one, I can't however understand the venom you spit at the thing.

    please, please, P...L...E...A...S...E - Can we have an integrated Cellular data chip

    Get a USB adapter. That way, your 2000$ laptop won't be tied to a single carrier the way Apple does 3G in its devices. I'm fine with my iPhone and tethering, I'd rather Apple sell the MBA on the cheap and leave the 3G option up to the users.

    It's not like you can't use a MBA over 3G networks right this day (or any other Mac for that matter).

    Wait, so MacBook Air has a TN panel? That makes no sense, the iPad 2 has an IPS panel...

    Anyway, I'd like to see backlit keys and an IPS display before I buy a MBA :cool:

    Very, very few laptops have IPS displays. The only one that comes to mind is the HP Elitebook with the DreamColor screen option (the standard screen on it is a TN panel).

    Apple does not install Flash Player on newer machines, so this is not a problem.

    Try youtube.com/html5 (http://www.youtube.com/html5) or ClickToFlash (http://rentzsch.github.com/clicktoflash/) or other HTML5-Safari extensions (http://www.macupdate.com/find/mac/html5%20extension)!

    Youtube is not the only source of content out there and until all video provider sites are HTML5, computers without VDA framework support will be slower, run hotter and have lesser battery life than those with VDA support.

    And HTML5 won't be on all video sites until you can graft DRM on top of it. Think of the paid-for streaming providers like Hulu.

    BTW, my MBA runs Flash without any problems. I don't need Apple to pre-install it for me.

    You obviously know nothing about OpenCL (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenCL). OpenCL is not hardware dependent. OpenCL programs can run even on old 300 MHz PowerPC processors, if someone writes a OpenCL-compiler for this platform.

    And you obvioulsy don't understand what a GPGPU API is for. What good is running code through an API whose purpose is to offload your CPU by using ... your CPU. It makes no sense to emulate OpenCL in software, other than providing OpenCL on computers without a hardware implementation.

    In the end, you haven't achieved the purpose of OpenCL, which is to offload the CPU, since you haven't offloaded the CPU at all.

    The point is, the Intel 3000 HD on Mac OS X cannot run OpenCL code, so it's up to the CPU to do it.

    You failed to even counter my points. Your attempt is only about dismissal, which proves my points are very valid.

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  • davisjw
    Aug 12, 12:17 AM
    Is this going to be a phone or more of a hybrid cell/ blackberry... Seeing as its from a computer company I hope its more of a hybrid and will be in perfect sync with my Macs!

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  • Westside guy
    Aug 11, 11:50 PM
    What sjo wrote seem quite accurate. Cells are extremly common here. It has become so common that cellphones nowdays are almost considered as a anti-status symbol. Poor people cant "afford" a land line.

    I'm old enough to remember that cell phones became the norm in much of what used to be known as Eastern Europe based on simple economics. In many former Soviet-bloc countries the telephone infrastructure was spotty or even non-existent, and setting up cellular phone networks was a heck of a lot cheaper than laying new phone lines all over the countryside.

    Of course that's not particularly relevant to Western Europe market penetration; but it does explain how cell phones are so prevalent Europe-wide.

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  • portishead
    Apr 12, 12:28 PM
    Why are you endorsing lack of improvement?

    Nooooo not at all. You missed my next post with my feature requests. I'm just giving people a hard time about complaining that FCP isn't good enough. It has bugs, and it's quirky, but it mostly works.

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  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 12:28 PM
    isn't it about time you guys got in line with the rest of the world? GSM has more than 81% (http://www.gsacom.com/news/gsa_203.php4?PHPSESSID=7aa4036fa6a16fe0066d2e6dc9430727) of the world market. If you get a cdma phone you are more or less restriced to use it in US, whereas a GSM phone can be used more or less all over the planet.

    Why? First of all, with CDMA2000 I get great coverage in N. America. Second, it's not like most people in N. America regularly travel to Europe. Third, CDMA2000 is a superior technology. EDGE only gave me 128Kbps for data but with EVDO I peak at 700Kbps. Fourth, with Verizon and Sprint you can get a CDMA/GSM phone if you REALLY need to travel abroad.

    I could also ask why the rest of the world doesn't get with the program and move to better technology with CDMA2000 like the US and parts of Asia have?

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  • Hal Jordan
    Apr 11, 10:26 PM
    No worries. I'm in need for a change. I've been impressed with the Galaxy S but not enough to get rid of my 3GS. But the Galaxy S2 looks AMAZING!!! 4.3 inch SuperAmoled Plus display, 1.2 GHz Dual Core, 1 GB RAM, 8 Meg rear camera, 2 Meg front Camera, Insanely wicked 1080P recording (shocked at how clean the recordings look), completely customizable UI, the list goes on an on.....It'll be a big change for me, but change happens. This thing is better equipped than a Tablet!!!! SOLD!!!!

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  • Earendil
    Jun 8, 07:03 PM
    But I guess if it's the only electronics store in a particular town...

    That's me!
    Nearest Apple Store is 90 minutes away. Nearest Authorized AT&T store that would carry the iPhone is like 60. Radio shack is just 10 minutes.

    I'm wondering though, what would be the advantages/disadvantages to buying it at Radio Shack vs AT&T vs The Apple Store? Once I have the item purchased, will I notice any sort of difference what-so-ever?


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  • bibbz
    Jun 14, 06:08 PM
    Wait a sec...

    Had to read that again...

    If I get a PIN tomorrow at 1pm EST I am guaranteed
    a phone on launch day? I don't have to stand in line
    that morning?

    They told me differently when I called the store citing

    If you get a reservation pin, you will have a phone on launch day, bottom line. No pin, no guarantee of a phone. With the pin, you can pick it up when you want. At opening or 8pm at night. I would make damn sure i am the 1st person in line at 1PM EST to be sure you get a PIN.

    We just cant call it a pre-order, and cant take money before the 24th.

    Be srue you talk to the store manager, and again, if you get something other than what i said, call another store.

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  • gnasher729
    Aug 26, 04:08 PM
    I dont see much change really, the 1.66GHz merom chip will find its way into the mini (they'll scrap the solo model).

    The 1.83 & 2.00GHz for iMacs (if they use merom) and MacBooks and the 2.16 and 2.33 for the 15 & 17 MBPs respectively. Its that simple.

    Only problem with that is that a 2.33 GHz Merom chip will be fifty percent more expensive than a 2.16 GHz Yonah is today. So do you think Apple will increase prices of the MacBook Pro by $150 to $200 or reduce their profit?

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  • ugp
    Jun 15, 07:48 PM
    This has to be the worst a pre-order has ever gone in history. Better preparation needs to be made in the future to avoid these problems.

    I was able to get Apples site to get to the final stage and "Place Order" but I opted not to. I am first on the list at my local Radio Shack and I will take my chances there. I am not going to be able to be home when the iPhone would deliver. If I have to wait I will wait. My friend is the Manager and he would process my ticket for me if he had to and drop it off to me if it doesn't come launch day. Otherwise I will be there the 24th in the morning at opening.

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  • nikhsub1
    Apr 7, 10:20 PM
    Wow. I bought mine at Best Buy on opening day and they sold out of them. Why in anybody's right mind would best buy not sell what they have?
    Obviously you know little about retail and accounting.

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  • iRobby
    Apr 12, 01:54 AM
    it's a shame seeing all these negative attitudes concerning the iPhone 5. stating that only because of 3-5 month delay people switching to Android. Also others stating that the iPhone currently is antiquated and doesn't measure up to the competition.

    I know for myself that since purchasing my first and only Apple product in October 2009 a iPhone 3GS I am looking forward to converting to an 27" iMac from a 6 year old Dell Dimension E510 desktop as well as upgrading my iPhone 3GS no matter how long it may take for the iPhone 5 to come out due to my experience with my iPhone 3GS being nothing but stellar telling me that whatever how long the wait it will be worth it.

    I only wish that after purchasing the iPhone 5 and 27" iMac this year I can still afford an iPad2 and not have to wait till the iPad3 since currently I don't even own an iPad1.

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  • Lord Appleseed
    Apr 7, 11:19 PM
    When you are as HUGE as best buy, and you are selling a product as huge as the iPad, it makes sense to create a demand. People do this all the time. You can't get it now, so the second it becomes available to you, you buy it in fear that you might have to wait another month. This happens all the time with a lot of products.

    That makes not much sense to me, for I as customer would just go to the next Store/Retailer/Whatever that might have an iPad. Best Buy isn't the only one out there.

    But maybe I just can't see the greater idea behind this so called "strategy".

    Jul 30, 05:09 PM
    I don't think this is correct. The Merom chips were introduced last Thursday, but have been shipping for a while now, a month ahead of schedule.

    Intel said that you could expect to see this chip in a laptop by the end of August. Does that mean custom built or in Best Buy (or wherever)?

    It seems to me that if one was going to introduce a so called "Mac Pro" with the newest 64-bit processor, one would also choose introduce its mobile "Pro" counterpart.

    Perhaps I have overstated my case. Intel is shipping Merom chips, but laptops with Merom inside are not expected in retail channels until the end of August--perhaps because of limited supply?

    Aug 26, 07:07 PM
    I cannot believe that the iMac will continue to have a slower processor than the Macbook Pro. For years, the iMac has been about twice as fast as the leading Powerbook. I see no reason why Apple will not choose to put a "real man's" processor in what I would think is there most popular product (dismissing iPod). iMac deserves to retake the crown from Macbok Pro for speed in all areas, with CHEAPER components, ie. Conroe over Merom. And a decent GPU of course. In both.

    I think it would be possible that Apple will rrefresh both Macbook Pro and iMac very soon, why not Tuesday? It would be nice to keep these two very comparable machines (at least at the moment) on par with each other.

    After all, there is no shortage on Conroe, is there, and why else would they wait to release new iMacs? (unless iMacs get Merom too, in which case I'll be taking a quick trip to America, to find out just how much kidneys can be sold for on the black market, and how long a certain old man can survive without his.)

    Conroe iMacs AND Merom MBP's on TUESDAY!

    not trying to start a war or anything but...isn't that what the mac pro is for? isn't the iMac considered consumer grade while the mbp is considered professional grade??? i think it is badass that the mbp is faster than the imac.

    Apr 6, 04:43 PM
    You both ignored HOT DOGS! Sheesh, hot dogs rule. The only problem is kids under 6 choking on them unless you cut them right. But that will be fixed in the v3.0 hot dog, they will come pre-sliced.

    Hot dogs?

    Hot dogs?

    Those are the Hyundai of...oh, wait, that analogy has been used already. Uhhhmmmm, Hot Dogs are the Yugo...oh, man, did it again.

    OK, I've got it: Hot Dogs are the Hot Dogs of food.

    Jul 14, 11:06 PM
    get perpendicular (http://www.hitachigst.com/hdd/research/recording_head/pr/PerpendicularAnimation.html)

    Whoever came up with that abomination should be SHOT! UGH! they could have put together a nice little slideshow or whatever...but no, they had to make some stupid video with a horrible song i'll NEVER be able to get out of my head!

    Apr 28, 02:40 PM
    I guess the republicans can maybe now look at the issues.

    I am glad that Obama put out the papers to shut the conspiracy theorists up.

    But there are too many GOPers out there who don't know Hawaii is a state. Hey, isn't Hawaii an Islamic state?

    Though I am liberal, I do know that the Supreme Court is not in agreement as to who can run for president. Back in the day of the founding fathers, there wasn't a real precedent, mostly because until we won the Revolutionary War, we didn't have a country anybody else recognized or took seriously.

    If the GOP wants to take this a step further, they could try and say Obama was born earlier, in Hawaii, before it was a state and get strict constitutionalitists to say the issue then becomes whether a person from a non-state (US Territory) can run.

    Of course, many judges will side on what makes them happy politically. If it took the US Supreme Court until 1973 to define the important concept of due process, how long will they hold out until they define just who can run for president.

    Many supporters of Alexander Hamilton wanted him to run, while some others in his day didn't think he was "eligible".:p

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