الأربعاء، 18 مايو 2011

concentrating solar power systems

concentrating solar power systems. Concentrating solar power
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  • Multimedia
    Jul 21, 04:37 PM
    Oh, so that's why you want Handbrake fourfold, I was going to ask wether you had 4 optical drives.I have way more than 4 optical dirves. But multiple DVD/CD duplication is not my thing. Moreover, running a bunch of copies of Toast to burn DVDs or CDs is not processor intensive at all and does not recquire more than one core.

    concentrating solar power systems. First commercial solar power
  • First commercial solar power

  • toddybody
    Mar 26, 04:33 AM
    So its like, the complete version er...not quite done yet, but nearly finished..

    concentrating solar power systems. Solar thermal power plants use
  • Solar thermal power plants use

  • jaw04005
    Nov 28, 10:00 PM
    Actually, in the United States we don't pay a "music tax" for blank CD or DVD media. That proposal failed in Congress primarily because CD and DVDs can be used for other purposes (like backing up data). However, the RIAA managed to get a tax on DAT tapes.

    I believe that UK also struck down a similar music tax on CD and DVD media.

    Many of the major CD and DVD manufacturers introduced the specially-labeled "audio cd" which costs more, and a percentage of those sales go to the recording industry. However, there are no differences between the two types of media.

    Why should we care? Because if taxes (or royalties) are imposed, common sense will tell you that Apple will adjust their prices (or price drops) to reflect those additional costs. Simple economics.

    concentrating solar power systems. Solar thermal system for water
  • Solar thermal system for water

  • tk421
    Nov 29, 11:50 AM
    I apologize as I have not read through all the comments as yet but if this goes through, how long before we see the request for these types of fees for all PC/Mac sales as those are used to download and listen to music as well?

    May as well add the fee to headphones. Don't forget speakers, receivers, cables, speaker wire. And cars, since many people listen to pirated music there. Oh, and add the fee on the monthly electricity bill (can't pirate music without electricity!) and any medical procedure involving the ears or hearing.

    concentrating solar power systems. Return to Concentrating Solar
  • Return to Concentrating Solar

  • Ja Di ksw
    Aug 25, 05:15 PM
    I would just like to say that every time I have dealth with Apple's help (blue line on screen, crack on trackpad, melted power brick cord, ordering, etc), they have been superb. Very professional, very helpful, and very quick. Does this add much to the discussion? No, but too often we only hear the bad, so I wanted to put in some good as well.

    concentrating solar power systems. Solar Power Systems Off-grid
  • Solar Power Systems Off-grid

  • gugy
    Aug 17, 03:56 PM
    They have become the Microsoft of the graphics world. See what having lots of money can do to you? Makes you cocky. That's one big reason I don't want Apple to gain much more market share. I want them to have just enough to keep them working hard... not so much to make them fat and lazy and greedy.

    Wow, interesting.

    I think Adobe is actually pretty good upgrading their software. As for Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects they seem to do major upgrades every 18 months. I think is very reasonable. Plus is a normal thing when you are on the top to slow down a little, and frankly I don't think they are doing that.
    CS3 will be here next year alongside possibly with After Effects, so what's your problem with Adobe?

    As for Microsoft, I agreed that they are very slow when it comes to Office suite for Mac.

    concentrating solar power systems. concentrated solar power
  • concentrated solar power

  • BaldiMac
    Mar 22, 03:38 PM
    The iPad two does have some shortcomings, few of which are worth going to to here. However, the OS of these devices IS crucial and we are beginning to see iOS creaking slightly. In terms of looks and notifications, for me, Apple is lagging. I like how the Playbook looks and potentially, should operate. Will I make a snap judgement? No. I'll try the damn thing first before making a judgement.

    Why are you comparing the Playbook that is coming out this summer to iOS 4? Chances are it will be competing with iOS 5. If you want to be fair and all.

    concentrating solar power systems. Concentrating Solar systems
  • Concentrating Solar systems

  • mytdave
    Apr 6, 02:48 PM
    It's nice for Apple to have high iPad2 sales, and I think that's great. It's too bad the Xoom isn't selling more, although 100k isn't too terrible right out of the gate.

    I've seen and hefted a Xoom, and you know what? It's a pretty decent piece of gear. Good job Moto! From a hardware perspective I liked it every bit as much as the iPad2. In my opinion, its only downfall is Android. For me, Android is not intuitive at all. I can deal with that when it comes to traditional computers, but I don't have time to waste with that sort of nonsense on an appliance - I want it to just work, and that's what Apple provides.

    concentrating solar power systems. concentrated solar power
  • concentrated solar power

  • mkruck
    Apr 6, 03:06 PM
    Yeesh dude, at least your wife cares enough to do nice things for you. :(

    Yes, and my response that you quoted was said tongue in cheek. People really need to lighten up and stop taking themselves so seriously.

    Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

    concentrating solar power systems. concentrating solar system
  • concentrating solar system

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Dec 10, 10:25 AM
    *sexy pics*

    Did you take those yourself? I've only played with photo mode a little and i have trouble keeping my car in focus unless i use a huge f-stop. If i shorted the DoF it always ends up focusing on my rear bumper or something stupid.
    I probably just need to use it more, but i just get impatient and start another race.

    concentrating solar power systems. concentrated solar power
  • concentrated solar power

  • nevir
    Sep 19, 12:15 PM
    My demanding you to give me a reason has about the same weight as all the people in this thread (and many others) demanding Apple provide them with the machine they think they needed yesterday.

    It's more along the lines of "We see all these other laptop manufacturers releasing new CPU's in their products. We see that Apple has already recieved these chips. We feel that it is extremely likely that Apple's laptop lines will be updated with these CPU's, and soon. Finally, We don't want to buy a product that will be outdated in just a month or two.

    Of course, there's those who have been waiting for more than a couple months. For those, they are looking to 'future-proof' their machine, somewhat. If you notice, more or less every new CPU model that will be coming out is 64-bit, and there's no doubt that developers will write apps that take advantage of that architecture in the coming years. So why buy a computer that has a lower likliehood of supporting all the software you'd like to run over it's lifetime?

    As for "needing it yesterday", that is a product of the hype; but I think, for the most part, we feel that the laptops could have been ready earlier - and certainly would have liked Apple to have come out and said "MBP updates soonish" (of course that makes no business sense for clearing inventory though).

    concentrating solar power systems. SEGS plants are concentrating
  • SEGS plants are concentrating

  • macenforcer
    Aug 17, 12:08 PM
    Wow, I'm really surprised by those photoshop tests. When those go universal I'm sure my jaw will drop

    It will be exactly 25% faster in UB photoshop. How do I know? I tested in photoshop 7.01 in OS X and in XP on the mac pro. XP test was 25% faster. There you go.

    concentrating solar power systems. Concentrating Solar Power
  • Concentrating Solar Power

  • Satori
    Apr 6, 03:57 PM
    It'll take a while for any of the Android tabs to get a market foothold because Apple has all of the mindshare with the iPad right now... and every time a competitor releases a tab they give Apple more publicity by declaring that they have the iPad killer!

    For the average consumer, iPad is the category so it'll take a while for the competitors to register.

    Maybe, this will play out they same way as the iPhone, where android devices slowly took a foothold and then overtook iOS in market share. However, the ascendancy of android with the average consumer was at least partly because carriers who couldn't sell the iphone from the start had to push something else. This isn't the case with the iPad because they are unlocked and any carrier can sell them with a sim or wifi modem. So it might equally be like the iPod, where many worthy competitors were released but none captured a significant market share.

    I guess that time will tell.

    concentrating solar power systems. Solar Chimney Systems (or
  • Solar Chimney Systems (or

  • dernhelm
    Nov 29, 07:24 AM
    Perhaps that lost money isn't due to pirating like the execs want you to think.

    Sure it is. Its just that the everyday Joe isn't the pirate, the music distribution executives are. And there's only room for one pirate ship in this industry.

    concentrating solar power systems. Return to Concentrating Solar
  • Return to Concentrating Solar

  • Glideslope
    Apr 25, 03:53 PM
    Except it doesn't use GPS data. It uses cell towers and wifi.

    Ouch!!!!! :apple:

    concentrating solar power systems. Solar Thermal Systems
  • Solar Thermal Systems

  • daneoni
    Apr 6, 07:49 AM
    Aperture 4?

    concentrating solar power systems. Concentrating Solar Power
  • Concentrating Solar Power

  • puuukeey
    Aug 6, 07:42 PM

    What os x needs to kill vista is to stop rehashing the same tired window metaphors and come up with something killer. Even if, at first, it has to fit into a new view INSIDE a window. It's been 15 years that researchers have had better and cooler ways to get around and use a computer. Spotlight is the perfect technology to slay the hierarchy metaphor but a poor poor implimentation. Even something as elementry as "bumptop" or ZUIs, but hopefully along the lines of Jeff Hans work which I'm sure we're all familiar with by now. or god forbid something original.

    apple puts one tiny little gadget such as a gyroscopic sensor in a laptop and people have been going nuts writing cool software. imagine what would happen if they actually tried

    Jeff Han rightfully mocks Bill AND steve (http://www.ted.com/tedtalks/tedtalksplayer.cfm?key=j_han&flashEnabled=1)

    concentrating solar power systems. Concentrating solar power may
  • Concentrating solar power may

  • Tears Apart
    Mar 25, 10:30 PM

    bring it on, i'm ready

    concentrating solar power systems. Concentrated Solar Power
  • Concentrated Solar Power

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 23, 12:50 AM
    I initially supported the Iraq invasion. I believed the Bush Administration's case for WMD's - in particular I was swayed by Colin Powell's presentation to the UN. I believed then, as I do now, that Saddam Hussein's government was arbitrary, cruel, corrupt.

    Looking back, it should have been obvious to me that there were a huge number of potential pitfalls - lack of support from Iraqis (and to a lesser extent the international community through the UN) being the most critical. While the initial invasion was predictably successful, the entire issue of post-Saddam Iraq had been poorly thought out - to the extent that it was thought out at all. The result is a tragic disaster of truly epic proportions.

    Still, even with this tragedy fresh in our minds (and indeed ongoing along with the war in Afghanistan), I find it impossible to look at the Libyan situation and say "we should not intervene". There is much I do not like about how the my country behaves on the international stage, but in this affair I feel that non-intervention is unconscionable.

    Apr 11, 06:39 PM
    Apple is already starting to fall behind in the cell phone market, the iphone 4 has the best gui, but not the best specs...waiting till Christmas will only push them farther behind

    What are you limited doing because of the current specs of the iPhone 4?

    Aug 25, 03:38 PM
    Well still waiting. I did talk to one of the support people but got transferred. I did mention that I got hung up on yesterday. He said there were a huge amount of people calling about the recall.

    I'm listening to a female repeat herself over and over in two different languages. I can't figure out the second language but it's annoying!
    Ok I'm getting refunded since I went and bought one (Nike+ iPod kit) at footlocker today...

    Other than the wait I can't complain since they're nice.


    Ahhh....I've been there...you're in a Canadian queue..the second language is French....Ne qui te pas (don't know how to spell it)...means somethign like please hold the line

    Sep 19, 06:55 AM
    i wanna a lot of ram in my new 64 bit mbp!! and umm what else....:confused: :eek:

    Mar 25, 10:40 PM
    Wasn't that "double secret golden master"? :cool:

    Feb 28, 09:04 PM
    What does my post have to do with cinema excellence?

    Well, it's certainly sweeping drama based on fiction. Like so many Oscar winners, it's also a bit of vapid fluff that people will view and quickly forget. Frankly, I didn't mean to imply any excellence other than at making completely unfounded generalizations.

    Unless influenced otherwise the brain develops heterosexually

    Are you saying you think people program themselves to be gay? Or is it based on what cartoons they watch as a kid? Maybe lack of a father figure? Tell us more, Doc!

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